
2019-04-01 03:42

Moreover, the school also conducted different activities for different uniform unit. The aim of this activity is to improve student’s confidence level, motivation and learn self – discipline. For example the schools had organized camping in Gombak for the scout’s team. A number of 40 students were involved in the camping. This participant had carried out activities such as marching, jungle trekking, and group activities. The participants were also given training on the basic survival skills. Through these activities, the participants can also develop improve their fitness level through the activities that were carried out during the camping. Beside that the school will also be able to accomplish the objective of NPE to produce students who are holistically developed and possess noble characters.Furthermore, the school conducts Prize Giving Ceremony for students who scored well in UPSR. This is done every January. The aim of this event is to reward students who passed with flying colours and inspiration for them to do better in secondary school. Meanwhile, this will also inspire other students to achieve in academic. By organizing this activity, the objective of NPE to produce students who are intellectually developed can be achieved.One of the methods used by the teacher to create a fun learning environment in class is through role play. The students will be divided into three or four groups. The teacher will explain the situation and give each student a role so that no one is left behind. Through this activity the student will learn communication skills. This activity is beneficial for the students to improve speaking in English using correct grammar, sentence structure and pronunciations. The students will also be able to develop their confidence level to speak up especially students who are shy and less interactive. Through this activity also, the weaker students can understand better and also attract students attention in the classroom on the topic being thought. The teacher believes that the elements of NPE can be actualized by helping the students to realize their hidden talents and develop their potentials.