Biology Essay代写:影响拥挤流

2017-02-27 12:43


Biology Essay代写:影响拥挤流

There are factors affecting the prevalence of crowding. This includes socio-economic status, in which crowding can be observed in urbanized areas for the reason that there are more opportunities that can be acquired such as jobs. People that are flocking to urban areas causes crowding of local population because there are limited spaces that can be clustering residents together at a certain period of time. Poverty is one of the most considerable issues that can lead to overcrowding. This is due to the increasing number of migrants who have no job and no money to be forced to live in shanties. Shanties represent crowding as mentioned by the author for the reason that it is a cluster of illegal settlers living in a certain area as indicated by the author. Social problems are another factor such as the presence on the lack of education, which is causing another social dilemma that increases the risk of promoting overcrowding. Uneducated individuals are unaware that they are engaged in a social issue for the reason that they were not being taught about overcrowding in their area, keeping them to be vulnerable to various social problems in the community.
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