
2017-08-16 15:33

This document shows us some educative system that change social status of the society and how the education is a perfect mechanism for finding the economic stability of a country. This research is based on fact of countries that had suffered key change using to the education how way for building a competitive civilization. Moreover, Finn educative system has been the best of the world without pressures to students. When they choose subjects, class schedules with the purpose of having brilliant students that supply their knowledge at the community. It decreased the levels of poverty in developing cities. So, this country focused in creating groups people working together for finding big profits on an environment complex.In addition, government have implemented extreme laws as free education since the first education years until university. In this nation, all is free including educative material, meal and transport producing big result as the first country in innovation. Besides, time moderns had put on evidence that the world continually modify different aspects as educational, economic and social.  It has seen the need of finding other solutions based in the creativity and the innovation that request to progress with the time. So, technology is the result of people who look for show their investigations through constant experiments. Nowadays, it serves as support material for creating an easy learning to students that allow them development their thought creative.