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2018-12-28 00:26
对于那些相对贫穷但比贫民窟孩子富有的人来说,他们的问题总是集中在角色上。这些人最常见的心理状态是集体犯罪。在那个级别的人总是会说“我自己很穷,那些捐赠的东西是给富人的。”富人有义务付出更多。“在历史上的每个社会中,集体犯罪都是一种非常危险的行为。不仅是德国人,而且是日本人,好在前者已经公开承认了罪行。我们每天都能在不同的媒体上看到一些可怕的消息,比如轮奸,安利退货等等。在《Singer Solution to World Poverty》中,Singer没有使用“collective guilt”这个词,而是用了另一个不那么严厉的词——crowd ethics。因为我们不能判定那些不捐款的人是集体犯罪,但在某种程度上这是一种群体伦理。近年来,我国出现了许多涉及群体伦理的案例。我们看到人们经过一个被车撞死的垂死的孩子;我们看到人们对小偷视而不见,我们看到官员不负责任。所有这些人都不是罪恶感,而是缺乏同情心。捐款是一样的。我们谈了很多关于歌手对穷人的毫无根据的结论。但不可否认的是,辛格是一个伟大的人。言行一致的人很少。他为道德研究做出了巨大贡献,为动物保护开辟了道路,促进了世界道德水平的提高。虽然很难像辛格在文章中描述的那样建立一个世界。英国布里斯班代写Essay:相对贫穷
As for those relative poor people but rich than those Slum kids, their problems are always concentrated on roles. The most common mental state of those people is collective guilt. People in that level would always argue that “I am poor myself and those donation things are for the rich. Rich people are obliged to give away more.” Collective guilt is a very dangerous behavior in every society throughout the history. Not only German but Japanese as well, the good thing is that the former confessed crime in public. We have seen some horrible news everyday via different media about people commit crime as a group, such as rape by turns, Amway returning of goods and so on. In “The Singer Solution to World Poverty”, Singer didn’t employ the same word collective guilt but showed us another less severe phrase-crowd ethics. Since we couldn’t judge those people who don’t donate as collective guilt, but to some extent it is about crowd ethics. In recent years China, we have seen many cases referred to crowd ethics. We have seen people passing by a dying kid hit by a car; we have seen people turning a blind eye to thieves and we have seen officials being irresponsible. All these people are not guilt but all lack of sympathy. Donation is alike.We have talked much about the groundless of Singer’s conclusion to the poor. But it is still undeniable that Singer is a great man. He is few in number person whose actions always follow their words. He contributes a great deal to morality research and paves ways for animal protection as well as promotes the world’s ethic levels. Although it is hard to build up a world as Singer has described in the article.
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