
2018-03-04 00:40

许多年轻人通过多种方式和不同的个人开始吸烟,这是他们的一个习惯,他们几乎一生都不打算戒烟,而且很多因素都被指出导致了这一点。尽管学校的禁烟令是阻止这种习惯的普遍建议,但并没有确凿的证据表明这种政策在实行隔离的情况下会导致学生和青少年吸烟人数的减少。目前的研究已经提出了一些与实施学校禁烟令有关的缺点,如无效,以及这样的规则可能是不友好的。吸烟和相关的健康行为受到社会经济地位、教育和一般社会环境等因素的影响(Evans et al, 1994;哈里斯等人,2009;洛瑞等人,1996)。它一直辩称,有学生发现自己开始吸烟通过超出了他们的控制,因此,这些学生可能的受害者带来的意想不到的负担学校吸烟政策知根知底最近提出了表明有减少吸烟在发达国家在过去的十年里,这个国家有显著的改变包括加拿大、澳大利亚、美国和欧洲一些国家在减少。但是不是因为学校禁烟令,但由于广泛的控制策略,应用于这些国家,包括税收和法律的位置吸烟、和社会营销。事实上,许多学校已经实现了学校禁烟政策以来由疾病控制中心介绍,不管它是否有效与否,已经表明,许多学校认识到吸烟的负面影响,愿与卫生部门在创建“无烟”的社会。
Many youths get initiated into smoking through many ways and by different individuals, this is a habit that they continue with and never plan to quit almost throughout their lives and many factors have been pointed out to cause this . Even though school smoking ban is the universal recommendation towards stopping this habit, there is no tangible evidence that this policy when implemented in isolation leads to a decrease in the prevalence of smoking among students and the youth. Current studies have suggested a number of shortcomings related to the implementation of school smoking ban such as ineffectiveness and the fact that such rules may be unkind. Smoking and the related health behaviors are influenced by such factors as socioeconomic status, education, and the general social environment (Evans et al, 1994; Harris et al, 2009; Lowry et al, 1996). It has been argued that there are students who find themselves initiated into smoking through means beyond their control, therefore, such students may be victims of the unintended burden brought by school smoking policy .Records recently presented indicate that there has been a reduction in smoking in developed countries over the past decade, the countries that have had this notable change include Canada, Australia, the United States, and a number of countries within Europe .This reduction is however not due to the school smoking ban but is attributed to the extensive control strategies that have been applied in these countries which include laws on taxation and location of smoking, and social marketing. The fact that many schools have implemented the school smoking ban policy since its introduction by the Center for Disease Control, regardless of whether it is effective or not, has shown that many schools recognize the adverse effects of smoking and are ready to work with the health sector in creating a society which is 'smoke-free'.