
2017-11-13 19:32

死刑最受欢迎的替代方法是无假释和无期徒刑的无期徒刑。这种选择不仅要比死刑少得多,而且还要把罪犯关在监狱里,这样他就不能重返社会。恢复原状意味着当囚犯在监狱里时,他将被投入工作——把所有的钱都交给受害者的家属。假释监狱。被判谋杀罪的人的平均刑期是二十年。在被释放的杀人犯被判入狱的平均时间是8.5年左右。这些数字意味着大多数杀人犯确实得到假释并重返社会。John DiIulio写道,尽管一些假释杀人犯仍然是危险的,“[他们]不会再犯绝大多数谋杀或暴力犯罪。许多人不仅走得笔直,而且还在继续偿还社会债务…通过恢复释放后,曼宁青年和社区外展中心工作与青少年罪犯,
The most popular alternative to the death penalty is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole plus restitution. This alternative not only costs much less than capital punishment, but also keeps the criminal in jail for the rest of his life - so he cannot return back to society. Restitution means that while the prisoner is in jail, he will be put to work - with all the money made going to the family of the victim. Prison with parole. The average sentence for someone convicted of murder is twenty years. The average time spent in jail for a convicted murderer before being released is around 8.5 years. These numbers mean that most murderers do receive parole and go back into society. John DiIulio writes that even though some paroled murderers remain dangerous, "the vast majority of [them] never commit another murder or violent crime. Many have not only gone straight but have continued paying their debt to society... by making post-release restitution, manning youth and community outreach centers that work with juvenile felons