
2017-06-28 18:06

除了使用娱乐性药物外,还有其他影响个人教育程度的因素。其中之一就是剥夺了他们家里的人。Garner博士(1991)做了一项研究,对社区教育程度影响的存在性检验。经过调查和对学生的能力,控制家庭背景和教育,然而他们之间找到一个显着的负相关性在他们家附近的和受教育程度。这加强了假设的娱乐性药物的使用对教育成就的影响。然而当Harris和尼克松(1993)提出了一个基于采访学生学习、教师和三所综合学校非教学人员,他们发现相互作用的家庭、社区、同伴和教师素养的重要角色扮演,和一些教师认为,有些女孩做的更好,因为他们已经学会学术的符合公约,这种研究有助于我们了解毒品不是决定一个人的受教育程度的唯一因素。然而,由于社会化和互动是实现的重要作用,可以说,可怜的相互作用可以导致一个人把毒品最终导致低教育程度。同时,在教育经济、Getinet Astatike Haile和Anh Ngoc Nguyen(2008)进行了研究,强调了父母的背景的重要性在解释美国白人和少数民族之间的差异的学术素养。他们发现,背景,特别是教育背景和职业背景在决定考试成绩差距方面起着至关重要的作用。确认低成绩是衡量受教育程度的方法之一。
Other than the use of recreational drugs, there are other factors affecting individual educational attainment. One of them is the deprivation of the individuals in their home neighbourhood. Garner and Raudenbush (1991) did a study that test for the existence of neighbourhood effects on educational attainment. After doing a survey and controlling for pupil ability, family background, and schooling, they however find a significant negative association between deprivations in the home neighbourhood and educational attainment. This strengthens the hypothesis that the use of recreational drugs has an impact on educational attainment.However when Harris and Nixon (1993) made a study based on interviews with students, teachers and non-teaching staff in three comprehensive schools, they found that the 'interaction of family, community, peers and teachers plays an important role in attainment, and that a number of teachers believed that some girls were doing better academically because they had learnt to 'conform to the conventions'.' Such study helps us to understand that recreational drug is not the only factor that determines a person's educational attainment. However, since socialisation and interaction plays an important role in attainment, it can be said that poor interaction can result a person to take recreational drugs which eventually can leads to low educational attainment. Meanwhile, in Education Economic, Getinet Astatike Haile and Anh Ngoc Nguyen (2008) made a research that underscored the importance of parental background in explaining differential academic attainment between whites and ethnic minorities in the United States. They found that 'background, specifically educational and occupational background plays a vital role in determining the gap in test scores'. It is identified that low test scores is one of the ways to measure educational attainment.