
2017-09-18 23:44

无知和疏忽大意是抄袭的主要来源。无知和疏忽也从学生被发现抄袭的借口的主要来源。即使在有了作家、政治家的情况下,学者被剽窃的最常见的原因是我的笔记混乱。”[ 4 ]的每一个行动背后总有好的或坏的,所以人们有不同的理由去抄袭的原因。生活在快速修复的时代,人们没有时间投入到艰苦的工作中,因为时间成为最宝贵的资源。大多数剽窃都是有意的,而且在知识领域的人很广,但几乎没有时间进行研究。经济和位置上的优势是吸引人的,而且是运气好的冒险,通常会变得糟糕并变得有破坏性。网络上的所有信息都是关于任何事情的,这使得剽窃成为一条容易而快捷的途径。今天的经济趋势迫使人们做额外的工作,在多种职业之间进行转换,成为学生工人,因此很少有时间在学校和学习上投资,因此剽窃是一种解决办法。自我剽窃是一种在多年出版后不知道的事情,有时也会失去理解和不引用的错误。当人们从事研究和写作时,他们不知道其他人从事同一项工作,所以剽窃无知可能无法证明判断和谴责的正当性。老师和学生都有指责和反对,但底线是剽窃就是剽窃。今天,学习是密集和繁琐的,大多数学生发现很难匹配的步伐,因此抄袭。
Ignorance and carelessness is the major sources of plagiarism. Ignorance and carelessness are also the major sources of the excuse from students who are caught plagiarizing. Even in cases where there are established writers, politicians, and academics have been caught plagiarizing the most common reason is confusion in my notes."[4] There is always a reason behind every action good or bad and so people have different reasons to justify plagiarism. The world living in the era of quick fix and people have no time to invest in hard work as time becomes the most valuable resource. A majority of the plagiarism is intentional and by people that are well vast in their fields of knowledge but have little time to carry out a research. The financial and positional gain is attractive and is it's good luck adventure that usually goes bad and becomes destructive. There is all information in the Web about anything and this makes plagiarism the easy and quick path to take. The economic trends today have forced people to do extra work , juggle between multiple careers , become student workers and so there is little time to invest in school and learning hence plagiarism is a solution. Self-plagiarism is one that can be done unaware after years of publishing and at times its miss-understanding and mistakes of not doing a citation. When people do research and writing they do it without fore knowledge of other people involved in the same work so plagiarism out of ignorance may not justify judgement and condemnation. There is a blame and counter by teachers and students but the bottom line is plagiarism is plagiarism. Today learning is intensive and cumbersome and most students had find it hard to match the pace and hence plagiarism.