
2017-02-28 17:15

每一个项目项目的主要目标是在目标预算内有资格操作,将产品交付给组织者或女主人,同时获得顾客满意并获得良好的声誉。一旦事件开始,如果有任何错误,可能会损害公司的业务,将不会有机会重做它。项目运营管理阶段包括分析阶段,详细的规划、实施和交付和性能评价(TUM,诺顿和Wright,2006)。从以前的事件和绩效评估的回顾分析,帮助内部和外部的分析,根据设定的任务陈述,使业务经理可以执行规划过程。在一个事件的背景下,涉及决策的事件类型,目的地,地点,地点,时间和程序,使独特的或特殊的事件。一个组织结构将创建后,决定继续进行,通过传递事件。结构可以根据不同的事件生命周期的进展和支持元素的组织结构是员工,劳动力,文化和道德问题。 财务管理也是经营的一部分,它包括预算、成本、定价、会计以及现金流管理。 信息管理.信息获取、分配和控制, 时间管理-活动架构,进度开发和进度控制。 利益相关者管理:客户端和选区的关系


The main target of every event project approach to be qualified operated within the targeted budget, handling the product to the organizer or hostess and at the same time getting the customer satisfaction and getting good reputation. Once the event is start, if any mistake which can harm to the company's business, won't have a chance to redo it. The stages of event operational management include analysis stage, detailed planning, implementation and delivery and performance evaluation (Tum, Norton and Wright, 2006). The review analysis from the previous event and performance evaluation help the internal and external analysis according to set the mission statement, so that the operational manager can perform the planning process. In the context of an event involves decision making concerning with the type of event, destination, location, venue, timing and programs that will make the unique or special event. An organizational structure will be created after following the decision to proceed, through the delivering event. The structure can be varied according to the different event life cycle progresses and supported elements to the organizational structure are staffs, workforce, culture and ethical issues.
Financial management is also the part of the operation and it includes budgeting, costing, pricing, accounting and also the cash flow management.
Information management- information acquisition, distribution and control,
Time management- activity architecture, schedule development and schedule control.
Stake holder managementt: client and constituency relations,