
2017-04-20 02:02

标准投资标准要求受托人将投资的适用性考虑给信托,并考虑是否有必要考虑信托的情况多样化(S. 4(3))。选择适当投资的法定职责包括两项行动。首先,如果受托人考虑投资某个公司的股票,他们必须考虑这种投资是否适合信托。此外,他们必须考虑是否在该特定公司的股份是一个合适的投资在该类。多元化是至关重要的风险传播,使信任不暴露。如果受托人决定将所有的信托资金投资于一家公司的股票,他们很可能会因违反信托而承担责任。然而,应该指出的是,受托人不保证任何投资,他们只是因为一些股票表现不佳的他们不被追究法律责任仅仅是因为他们投资的股票不要变成有利可图他们想象。看到雀巢V国家威斯敏斯特银行,上述两项职责要求受托人必须考虑到他们的特殊信任。受托人必须在受益人之间采取公平、公正的态度。
The standard investment criteria require the trustee to have regard to the suitability of the investment to the trust and consider if there is a need for diversification bearing in mind the circumstances of the trust (s. 4(3)). The statutory duty to select suitable investments comprises two actions. Firstly if the trustees were contemplating investing in shares in a particular company, they must consider if such an investment is suitable for the trust. In addition, they must consider whether shares in that particular company are a suitable investment within that class. Diversification is critical in spreading the risk so that the trust is not exposed. If trustees decided to invest all of the trust funds in shares of one company, they might very well be liable for a breach of trust. However, it should be noted that trustees are not guarantors of any investments they make and just because some shares under performing they are not to be held liable merely because the shares they had invested in do not turn out to be as profitable as they had imagined. See Nestle v National Westminster Bank ,Both of the above duties require trustees to have regard to their particular trust. The trustees must act in an equitable and even-handed manner as between the beneficiaries.