
2018-06-21 11:38

作为外语教师,他们非常清楚发音的重要性。然而,在第二语言的学习和教学过程中,教师对学生发音的重视程度往往较低。Celce & Goodain(1991)指出,在过去的几年里,人们对语音教学在语言教学中的价值有不同的看法,他们报告说,教师使用的认知方法和语法翻译阅读法并不重视发音。然而,在直接法中,发音被认为是重要的。此外,Jack and William(2002)报道,发音不再被认为是外语教学中不可或缺的一部分。根据Beebe(1984,51)的说法,“目前大多数英语教材将英语作为第二语言,要么忽视发音教学,要么主要依靠老习惯——教非英语国家的学习者准确发音”。Trammell(1993)也指出,由于新的教学方法如交际法,语音教学被弱化。
Teachers of English as a FL or a L2 know so well how important pronunciation is. Nevertheless, sometimes it has been obvious that a teacher has been paid little attention to the students' pronunciation in the process of second language learning and teaching. Celce & Goodain(1991) states that over the past years, there have been different views about the value of teaching pronunciation in language teaching and they reported that the cognitive approach and grammar translation reading based method which used by teachers attach no importance to pronunciation.However, in the direct approach, pronunciation is considered important. In addition, Jack and William (2002) reported that pronunciation is no longer considered as an indispensable aspect in a foreign language teaching. According to Beebe (1984,51), `"Most current textbooks in English as a second language either ignore the teaching of pronunciation or rely primarily on old stand-bys-to teach non-native learners to pronounce English accurately". Trammell (1993) also indicates that instruction in pronunciation has been deemphasised due to the new teaching methods like the Communicative Approach.