
2019-03-05 21:06

Handy的工作可以说超越了波特等作家的企业责任工作。这是因为Handy强调了使命陈述和组织宗旨的重要性。Handy认为,“企业的目的是……不是为了赚钱,句号。它是为了盈利,以便企业能做更多或更好的事情。(Sage出版物2015:15)。Handy认为公司的利润应该是实现更大目标的手段(Sage出版物2015)。有些公司坚持的不仅仅是利润,还有更深层次的目标。在英国,《谍特拉夫特》(Tradecraft)将是一个很好的例子,因为该公司的目标是运营“改变生活的开发项目”。因此Handy的想法可能在整个英国的商业中应用有限。然而,他的想法在可以应用的地方是有用的。《谍闻技术》的使命超越了直接利益相关者,如所有者,并明确考虑了更广泛社会的需求(Dess et al. 2010)。“社会责任”的支持者面临的挑战是,许多零售商只采取不损害其销售和利润的社会和环境政策。许多零售商将专注于他们的商店的环境责任,在那里他们可以实现资源效率的目标(Jones et al. 2009)。许多零售商的社会责任是由他们在财务责任范围内所能实现的目标所引导的(Jones et al. 2009)。然而,这样的公司政策可能会招致“绿色清洗”的指责。换句话说,零售商对环境的承诺是有限的,社会责任报告可以起到公共关系的作用,而不是社会责任的作用。许多公司正在进行“绿色清洗”,误导消费者有关其环保活动的程度
The work of Handy, arguably, goes beyond the corporate responsibility work of writers such as Porter. This is because Handy emphasises the importance of mission statements and the purpose of the organisation. Handy argues that “the purpose of a business . . . is not to make a profit, full stop. It is to make a profit so that the business can do something more or better. That ‘something’ becomes the real justification for the business” (Sage Publications 2015:15). Handy argues that a firm’s profit should be the means to a larger end (Sage Publications 2015). There are companies which adhere to a deeper purpose than merely profit. Tradecraft, in the UK, would be a good example as the company’s purpose is to operate “life-changing development projects”However, Traidcraft operates in a niche area of the retail market where affluent consumers, who are willing to pay higher prices, contribute to international development. Therefore Handy’s ideas may have limited application to businesses throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. However, his ideas are useful where they can be applied. Tradecraft’s mission moves beyond immediate stakeholders, such as owners and clearly considers the needs of the broader society (Dess et. al. 2010). The company is an excellent example of a company which incorporates social and environmental, as well as financial factors, into its decision making .The challenge for proponents of ‘social responsibility’ is that many retailers only undertake social and environmental policies which do not damage their sales and profits. Many retailers will concentrate on environmental responsibility in their stores, where they can achieve resource efficiency targets (Jones et. al. 2009). Many retailers’ social responsibilities are guided by what they can achieve within their financial imperatives (Jones et. al. 2009). However, such corporate policies could lead to accusations of ‘greenwashing’. In other words, that the retailers’ commitment to the environment is limited and that social responsibility reports can play a public relations role rather than a social responsibility role. Many firms are engaging in ‘greenwashing’ to mislead consumers about the extent of their environmental activities