
2018-10-06 23:56

Other Transcendentalists moved on to more of a political standpoint, and became what, today, we call socialists (Goodman). Former Unitarian pastor George Ripely left the pulpit and started the Institute of Agriculture and Education. Through his educational experiments that involved living in communal existence, he tried to dissolve the definitive lines that lay between workers and intellectuals. He started dividing the community’s profits into the socialist principles, also making the community members rotate through different jobs.When hearing of this experiment, Alcott decided to institute a new experiment of his own. He and other transcendentalists decided to become vegetarian, and to give up materialistic aspects (Gura). This chain ultimately affected Henry David Thoreau, a transcendental writer. Thoreau moved into a small cabin located near Walden Pond by himself for two years. He lived purely on the bare necessities one needs in order to survive. In this time frame, Thoreau wrote the novel Walden, in which he spoke of his lifestyle, transcendentalism, and the importance of searching spirituality through nature without the burdens of materialistic aspects (Blanch). Lynn Branch describes Thoreau’s impact by saying.