
2017-03-14 01:21

性能分析的意义在于它是一个分析过程中涉及到的运动员的诉求,而不是纯粹的教练为中心,具有的优点是,这种直接参与可以激励和教育,可以促进和提高运动员和教练员之间的沟通,提高了师徒关系的整体质量。性能分析也可以用来作为一种监测工具,通过比较配置文件前和干预后,以评估性能的干预的影响。修改的干预措施,可以根据两个性能配置文件的比较结果,提供了一种方法,提供了一个机会,不断提高性能。 霍奇和弗兰克斯(2002)如何看待性能分析可以作为一个教练的分析工具,在建模培训实践示范和指导之间的平衡方面,与练习前的信息被发现在技能习得的过程是非常重要的,在学习者个体的背景下,针对如何做好学习者的个体能够理解指令并执行所需的运动(2002霍奇弗兰克斯)。因此,性能分析可以作为一个有价值的分析工具,不仅为运动员的表现,但在确定的方法,应采取的教练方面(哈迪等人,1996)。性能分析,但是,只是一个方法,可以用来提高运动员的表现,心境状态分析是另一种方法,它可以,例如,有助于减少负面影响的因素,如焦虑对运动员的表现


The appeal of performance profiling lies in the fact that it is an analytical process that involves the athlete, rather than being purely coach-centered, with the advantage that this direct involvement can be motivating and educational and can facilitate and improve communication between the athlete and the coach, improving the overall quality of the coach-athlete relationship. Performance profiling can also be used as a monitoring tool, by comparing profiles pre- and post-intervention in order to assess the impact of the intervention on performance. Alterations to the interventions can be made according to the results of the comparison of the two performance profiles, providing a method offering an opportunity for continual improvement of performance.
Hodges and Franks (2002) look at how performance profiling can be used as an analytical tool by coaches, in terms of modeling coaching practice as a balance between instruction and demonstration, with pre-practice information being found to be extremely important in the process of skill acquisition, within the context of individual learners, according to how well the individual learner can understand instructions and then perform the desired movement (Hodges and Franks, 2002). Performance profiling can thus act as a valuable analytical tool, not only for the athletes performance but in terms of determining which approach should be taken in terms of coaching (Hardy et al., 1996). Performance profiling is, however, just one approach that can be used to enhance athletes performance, with mood state profiling being another approach which can, for example, help to reduce the negative impact of factors such as anxiety on an athlete’s performance