
2019-02-11 02:03

有效改变的特征是解冻旧的行为,引入新的行为,重新冻结新的行为(Mosca, 2011)。成功的组织变革始于高层。一个组织的领导者和高层管理人员必须对正在发生的变化有一个清晰而简明的理解,并且能够清晰地表达它。在变革和不确定的时代,所有的目光都集中在组织领导人身上,以寻求力量和方向。各国领导人必须团结一致,朝着共同的目标共同前进。其次,必须清楚地阐明改革的理由。必须向组织中的每一层传达对将要发生的更改以及为什么需要更改的清晰解释。在变革的时代,本组织的所有成员必须知道对他们的期望是什么,以便能够平静不安和混乱的情绪,这种情绪可能导致对变革的抵制和谴责。当成功地进行变更管理时,许多不同的因素都与失败率相关。即使变更得到了管理层的认可,一个考虑不周的实施计划、组织领导人的缺乏承诺、以及对组织内已经存在的系统和过程的有限利用或集成,都可能导致无法接受和适应组织的变更.
Effective change has been characterized as unfreezing old behaviors, introducing new ones, and re-freezing the new (Mosca, 2011). Successful organizational change begins at the top. An organization’s leaders and upper management must have a clear and concise understanding of the change that is occurring and be able to clearly articulate it. In times of change and uncertainty, all eyes go to the organization’s leaders for strength and direction.  Leaders must be aligned with one another and moving in the same direction towards the common goal. Next, the case for the change must be clearly laid out. A clear explanation of what changes will occur and why they are necessary must be communicated to every layer within the organization. In times of change, it is essential for all members of the organization to know what is expected of them so that feelings of insecurity and confusion, feelings which can lead to resistance to and denunciation of the change, can be calmed.  A multitude of various factors are associated with failure rates when it comes to succeeding in change management. Even if change is endorsed by management, an ill-conceived implementation plan, lack of commitment from an organization’s leaders, and limited utilization or integration of already existing systems and processes within the organization can lead to the failure to accept and adapt to organizational changes.