
2016-12-12 06:46



Before do the forecasting for the data, it is necessary to explore the form of it. The trend of wine is showed in figure 1 and the trend of brandy in figure 2. We can see that both of them contain a seasonal factor, which make the sales data changes in four seasons within a years while the changes of trend of same seasons keeps steady. Trends in the whole of the data are opposite between wine and brandy. The sales of wine go higher along the time and the sales of brandy goer down despite the seasonal effects. The it is obviously that the sales of the wine keeps steady in the part of the previously time, which means it did not change much in the earlier time. It may be the policy factors that affect the industry. It can be inferred that since that time, the government put forward some policies or support some relevant institutions to make the industry recover and begin to develop.