
2018-01-02 10:27

幸运的是,在爆炸中死亡。否则,他们可能会遭受辐射中毒。令人惊讶的是,广岛的辐射中毒比长崎更严重,因为它们是不同类型的炸弹。来自辐射的ickness有很多形式,包括腹泻、呕吐、冲动的出血、眼球晶状体的模糊、男孩的暂时性不孕症、密集的烧伤、血细胞不正常、发烧、抑郁、疲劳和脱发(安哈尔特)。此外,许多人的伤口感染,因为辐射降低了免疫系统。由于许多医生受伤或死于炸弹,广岛的医院5天以后才开放给病人。这种等待使许多人失去了恢复的机会。一些来自广岛和长崎的统计数据显示,在最初的两周内,所有的损失中有百分之九十到百分之一百(所罗门270)。此外,日本警方记录说,有一半严重受伤的人在第六天死亡;到第12天再增加百分之二十五,百分之九十的由爆炸造成的死亡都发生在40天前(所罗门270)。原子弹的另一个长期影响是癌症。医生们意识到,炸弹袭击后,人们的肿瘤越来越多。然而,辐射并没有引起肿瘤,却增强了肿瘤的生长(Solomon 331)。另一方面,白血病,血液的癌症,是在爆炸后增加的另一种癌症。白血病的高发率是日本人见过的最长的副作用。然而,由于肿瘤不在这种类型的癌症中,许多人死于不知道他们有这种疾病。辐射中毒引起可怕的死亡。
The lucky died instantly from the blast. Otherwise, they could have suffered radiation poisoning. Surprisingly, there was more radiation poisoning in Hiroshima than Nagasaki, because they were different types of bombs. The s ickness from radiation came in many forms including diarrhea, vomiting, impulsive hemorrhaging, blurring of the eye lens, and temporary infertility in boys, intensive burns, blood cell irregularity, fevers, depression, fatigue, and hair loss (Anhalt). Furthermore, many people got infections in their wounds because radiation lowers the immune system. Since many of the doctors were injured or died from the bomb, the hospitals in Hiroshima opened five days later for patients. This wait cost many people their lives that had a chance of recuperating. Some statistics from Hiroshima and Nagasaki estimates that ninety to one-hundred percent of all losses happened within the first two weeks (Solomon 270). In addition, the Japanese police records says that half of the people who were severely injured died by the sixth day; an additional twenty-five percent past by day twelve, and ninety percent of all deaths caused by the bombings happened before forty days (Solomon 270). Another long-term effect of the atomic bombs was cancer. Doctors were realizing that people were growing more tumors after the bombs struck. However, the radiation did not cause the tumors, yet it enhanced the tumor growth (Solomon 331). On the other hand, leukemia, cancer of the blood, was another type of cancer that increased after the bombing. The higher rate of leukemia was the longest seen side effect for the Japanese people. However, since tumors are not present in this type of cancer, many people died without knowing they had this disease. Radiation poisoning causes a horrendous death.