澳洲阿德莱德assignment代写 古巴移民

2020-04-26 17:04

杰夫·贝佐斯出生于1964年1月12日。小时候,贝佐斯受到古巴移民米格尔·贝佐斯(Miguel Bezos)的热情欢迎。贝佐斯的母亲在他祖父位于德克萨斯州的农场嫁给了他。他曾就读于普林斯顿大学,并获得电气工程和计算机科学学位。之后,他跳槽到纽约一家名为Fitel, Bankers Trust and d.e. Shaw & Co的公司工作。在那里呆了一段时间后,他最终决定离开金融领域,在西雅图定居,并在那里发展了亚马逊的想法。贝佐斯在2005年推出了一项名为亚马逊Prime的订阅服务。按每年79美元的费用计算,会员可领取数量不限的物品,为期两天的速递。2011年,它推出了Prime Instant video,这是一种类似于Netflix的电视和电影流媒体服务。它还创建了Kindle图书馆,这是一个免费提供精选电子书的数字公共图书馆。此外,对客户关系的高度关注,长期的财务管理,是亚马逊的愿景顺利运作的基础,为长期的成功奠定了基础。尽管亚马逊最受欢迎的一项服务并不是一夜之间流行起来的,大概也不是亚马逊真正想要的,因为随着时间的推移,这项服务已经有了无数的改进。从那以后,客户满意度一直是并且是亚马逊的首要任务。贝佐斯还通过建立忠诚的客户基础为公司带来了积极的利益,从长远来看,这将有利于公司的发展。亚马逊提供最佳客户服务的理念,从一开始就帮助建立了忠实的客户基础。与其他公司相比,亚马逊给予消费者话语权的模式对其经营方式产生了积极的影响。正如我们所看到的,忠诚度是亚马逊成长的最大因素之一,从了解他们的基本意识形态,我们可以通过分析他们的客户群想要什么来预测亚马逊未来的举动。
澳洲阿德莱德assignment代写 古巴移民
Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964. As a child, he was embraced by Miguel Bezos, a Cuban immigrant, after his mother married him at his grandfather’s Texas ranch, Bezos spent his summers installing pipes, tending to the animals, and fixing structures. He attended Princeton university and graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. He then relocated for work to a company called Fitel, Bankers Trust and D. E. Shaw & Co, in New York. After spending some time there, he ultimately decided to leave the field of finance and settled in Seattle, where he later developed the idea of Amazon.Bezos launched a subscription service called Amazon Prime back in 2005. At the cost of $79 per year, where members were eligible for a quick two-day delivery on an unlimited number of items. In 2011, it introduced Prime Instant Videos, a TV and movie streaming service similar to Netflix. It also created the Kindle Library, a digital public library that makes select ebooks available for free. Furthermore, the intensive focus on the customer relationship, long term financial keepings is how Amazon’s vision works smoothly, setting up Prime for success in the long term. Though one of Amazon’s most beloved service didn’t become popular overnight, and presumably is not exactly what amazon wants, as the service sees countless improvements over time. Since, customer satisfaction has been and is the number one priority for Amazon. Bezos also positively benefited the company by building a loyal customer base which would serve the company in the long haul. Amazon’s mentality of providing the best customer service, is what helped build a faithful customer base from the start. Amazon’s model of giving the consumer the voice has positively impacted the way it does business, compared to other companies. As we can see, loyalty is one of the largest factors for Amazon’s growth, from understanding their base ideologies, we can foreshadow Amazon’s future moves by analyzing what their customer base wants.