
2018-03-11 15:41

The objective of this study is to identify the factors that could affect the performance of students in higher learning institutions. A number of indicators can be used to determine the academic achievement of graduate students. In the literature, the most frequently measure is student's cumulative grades point average (CGPA).The performance of students measured with CGPA in the educational sectors. In the causal study, we see how an independent variable produces changes in another dependent variable. The mind writer projects of descriptive although subsequent studies might be causal. The Cumulative GPA is dependent variable in this study. The independent variables were selected based on the literature and some preliminary analysis of the data. The data is analyzed through cross tabulation relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables through correlation techniques. In this research to study the influence of different factors on the cumulative GPA upon graduation of the students. Students are the logical group helps us for generating ideas now their performance.