澳洲堪培拉作业代写 农业发展

2020-06-13 21:46

农业不仅是发展中国家,而且是全世界经济的重要引擎。2014年,中国的国内生产总值(gdp)占全球的三分之一,2016年,全球近65%的贫困劳动者参与了中国的就业(世界银行,2018年)。农业的这种深入渗透使其成为通过消除饥饿和贫困实现农村增长和发展的最有力工具。世界银行报告说,在提高最贫困人口收入方面,农业部门的增长是其他部门的两到四倍。在过去的几十年里,科学和技术的进步和创新技术轰炸农业,把传统农业转化为现代科学农业(Sunding & Zilberman, 2001)。一方面,这些创新提高了产量和生产率,而另一方面,对化学品和机械的不明智使用破坏了生态平衡。另一个关键问题,它引起了科学家和决策者的关注整个世界,是气候变化,其影响是多方面的,并构成威胁agriculture-driven增长、减少贫困,人口不断增加和粮食安全,将发生在97亿年到2050年由世界银行在发达国家和发展中国家的农业场景是明显不同于发达国家。发达国家正在努力减少农业和林业对气候变化的贡献,并通过转向少用化学品的农业和明智地使用资源来恢复生态平衡,同时保持质量和零损失。相反,不发达国家和发展中国家仍在努力解决诸如增加产量、确保高质量产品、尽量减少损失以及最重要的是通过降低生产成本和通过加强农场和市场联系向农民提供公平价格来使农业有利可图等问题。这些问题是发展中国家固有的,因为这些国家的大多数农民都是小个子和边缘人.
澳洲堪培拉作业代写 农业发展
 Agriculture is a crucial engine of economy not only in developing nations rather worldwide. It accounted for one-third of global gross domestic product in 2014 and was found to engage nearly 65 per cent of poor working adults across the globe in 2016 (The World Bank, 2018). This deep penetration of agriculture makes it the most powerful tool for rural growth and development by means of ending hunger and poverty. The World Bank reported that growth in the agriculture sector was two to four times more effective in raising incomes among the poorest compared to other sectors.Over the last few decades there have been lot of advancements in science and technology and have bombarded agriculture with innovative techniques and technology transforming the traditional agriculture into modern scientific agriculture (Sunding & Zilberman, 2001). On one hand these innovations multiplied the production and productivity whereas on the other the injudicious use of chemicals and machinery has stroke off the ecological balance. Another critical issue, which has drawn the attention of scientists and policy makers all across the world, is Climate change, whose affect is multifaceted and are posing threat to agriculture-driven growth, poverty reduction, and food security for ever increasing population, projected to be 9.7 billion by 2050 by The World Bank The agriculture scenario of under developed and developing countries is strikingly different from developed countries. Developed countries are working towards mitigating the contribution of agriculture and forestry in climate change and restoring ecological balance by shifting towards chemical less farming and judicious use of resources while maintaining quality with zero loss. On the contrary,  the undeveloped and developing countries are still grappling with the issues like increasing production, assuring quality produce, minimizing losses and above all making agriculture profitable by reducing production cost and providing fair prices to farmers by strengthening farm and market linkages. These issues are innate to the developing countries owing to the fact that majority of the farmers in these countries are small and marginal