英国education essay代写:积极学习

2020-01-21 16:06

这在很大程度上意味着,学生并没有积极学习,而是被“灌输”了他们需要的信息,以便为课程预定的目标做准备。教室一般已经改变了从黑色板在90年代白板在2000年代这意味着教师不再仅仅是写下笔记为学生积累,但现在学生积极搜索,研究和寻找问题、解决方案和信息类通过使用技术的讨论。根据Khoeler Mishra(2009),写的一篇文章中Leinhardt和Greeno(1986)指出,教师必须是灵活的、发展的、动态的,能够转变他们的教室的环境中发展,这是在过去想看看添加任务,今天,这些任务包括合并技术工具、理论和模型的课程和跟上这些趋势为了与学生。因此,这个临床实验的写作的目的是研究和批判性评估主流信息通信技术(ICT)模型如TPACK,老鼠,SAMR,提示和蒂姆相关教学与批判性的评估和证明科技服务于两个客观主义不同的学习理论和建构主义的学习过程,并提供例子通过ICT教学模式和学习理论应用到当前的工作场所,这是UIC,行业。
英国education essay代写:积极学习
This very much meant that students were not actively learning, but was ‘fed’ the information they would need to prepare them for whatever the predetermined goals of the course were. Classrooms in general have changed from the black boards in the 90’s to white boards in the 2000’s which means that teachers are no longer just writing down notes for students to accumulate, but students are now actively searching, research and seeking the problems, the solutions and information to discuss for class by means of using technology. According to Khoeler and Mishra (2009), in an article written by Leinhardt and Greeno (1986) it is stated that teachers has to be flexible, evolving, dynamic and able to shift to the context within which their classrooms are evolving, which was in the past meant to look at the addition of tasks, and today those tasks includes incorporating technological tools, theories and models into the curriculum and keeping up with these trends in order to engage with students. Accordingly, the goal of this investigational writing would be to research and critically evaluate mainstream Information Communication Technology (ICT) models such as TPACK, RAT, SAMR, TIP and TIM related to teaching and critically evaluate and justify how technology serves the two different learning theories objectivism and constructivism in the learning process and provide examples by means of application of teaching ICT models and learning theories to the current workplace, which is UIC’s, ELC.
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