Management Essay 代写:谈判过程

2017-06-17 22:45

谈判过程虽然复杂,但其方式比组织中的决策过程更为线性。开始谈判过程中最重要的一步是了解谈判桌上所有参与方的重要性,以及利用哪些策略。在谈判中常见的缩写是巴特纳(达成谈判协议的最佳选择方案)(尤里,1991,p. 21)。知道何时离开同样重要,如果不是更多,就像达成协议一样。类似的限制在组织决策的信息,巴特纳是不是应该透露的信息,但如果必要的话,它可以被用来作为一种工具来演示一个点(尤里,1991)。关于前面提到的关系的起因和影响,各方必须确定自己的道德界限。正如Richard Shell所说“你的个人信念伦理也拿出一个价格标签。”(如在推导草甸和惠勒,2004,说明57页)。在确定战略时也必须考虑与其他各方和组织的关系。通常它是保持未来的谈判和决策的关系更为重要(鲱鱼,2012,p. 213)因为持久的关系可以塑造未来的决定(托尔伯特& Hall,2009,p. 116)。一旦谈判开始,这是框架谈判的重要参数。类似于议程设置,框架的谈判可以给框架方上风(尤里,1991,p. 67)因为它能迷惑策略和反对的一方或双方的计划,“改变游戏的方式是改变框架。”(其实,1991,p. 80)当框架,它是明确界定的规则和主题的重要(其实,1991,p. 98)的谈判,他们肯定是很“黑与白”没有“灰色地带”(鲱鱼,2012)。虽然谈判的规则可以在一开始设定,谈判的框架可以改变过程,从一方转移到另一方。一个简单的方法来做这是问问题解决问题,“我们的问题是他们的老师”(其实,1991,p. 80)。这些问题的一些例子是:为什么?为什么不呢?征求他们对某个话题的意见,是什么使它公平?,和关于谈判的话题,开放式的问题(其实,1991,pp. 139-145)。这些简单的问题使谈判中的其他成员认为,如果提出正确的问题,可以改变参与方的观点。
Management Essay 代写:谈判过程
The negotiation process, while complex in its own ways, is more linear than the decision making process in organizations. The most important step in the beginning the negotiation process is understanding what is important for all parties involved at the negotiation table, and what strategies to utilize. A common acronym in negotiation is BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) (Ury, 1991, p. 21). Knowing when to walk away is just as important, if not more, as coming to an agreement. Similar to limiting information in organizational decision making, a BATNA is not necessarily information that should be revealed, but if necessary it can be used as a tool to demonstrate a point (Ury, 1991). Relating to the cause and effects of relationships mentioned earlier, parties must determine their own ethical boundaries. As Richard Shell puts it “Your personal beliefs about ethics also come with a price tag.” (as stated in Menkel-Meadow & Wheeler, 2004, p. 57). Relations with other parties and organizations must be considered when determining strategies as well. Often times it is more important to maintain relationships for future negotiations and decision (Herring, 2012, p. 213) because enduring relations can shape future decisions (Tolbert & Hall, 2009, p. 116).Once the negotiation begins, it is important to frame the negotiation parameters. Similar to setting the agenda, framing the negotiation can give the framing party the upper hand (Ury, 1991, p. 67) because it can disorient the strategies and plans of the opposing party or parties, “the way to change the game is to change the frame.” (Ury, 1991, p. 80) When framing, it is important to clearly define the rules and topics (Ury, 1991, p. 98) of the negotiation be sure they are very ‘black and white’ with no ‘grey area’ (Herring, 2012). While the rules of a negotiation may be set at the start, the framing of the negotiation can change through out the process, shifting from one party to the other. A simple way to do this is to ask problem solving questions and “let the problems be their teacher” (Ury, 1991, p. 80). Some examples of these questions would be: Why?, Why not?, Ask for their advice about a topic, What makes that fair?, and open-ended questions about the topic of the negotiation (Ury, 1991, pp. 81-87). These simple questions make other members in the negotiation think and could change the perspective of involved parties, if the right questions are asked.