
2018-08-04 22:06

平心而论,这份报告并没有链接视频游戏的犯罪行为,和不包括外部因素如预先存在的心理条件和环境的人玩这个游戏生活,所有这些可能是有影响力的结果报告然而,它建立了一个暴力视频游戏与攻击性行为之间的联系,虽然间接。研究中没有包括的另一个重要因素是球员的年龄。儿童很容易受到影响;一个成长中的孩子正在学习一些重要的技能,比如如何分辨是非、同理心和道德价值观。我们很容易看到,像《侠盗猎车手》(Grand Theft Auto)这样令人难以置信的暴力游戏,玩家可以在一个拥挤的城市里随心所欲地劫车、碾过尽可能多的行人,这对孩子的成长会产生负面影响。为了减少这种影响,幼儿不应该玩电子游戏,而电子游戏开发者应该注意他们如何使用暴力。话虽如此,如果有充分的理由,暴力可以对故事情节产生积极的影响,比如让一个盟军角色的死亡更有影响力;不像像《侠盗飞车》和《真人快打》这样的游戏,它的暴力是为了暴力,而不是为了纯粹的震撼。关于电子游戏如何造福社会的决定因素取决于他们如何被利用,媒介本身并不是注定的。
In all fairness, the report does not link video games to criminal behavior, and does not include outside factors such as pre-existing psychological conditions and the environment the person playing the game lives in, all of which may have been influential to the outcome of the report However, it establishes a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior, though indirect at best. Another important factor not included in the study is the age of the player. Children are very easily influenced; a child growing up is learning important skills like how to determine right from wrong, empathy, and moral values. It is fairly easy to see how incredibly violent games like Grand Theft Auto where a player can go carjacking and run over as many pedestrians as possible in a crowded city on a whim can have a negative effect on a child growing up. To reduce this effect, young children should not play video games, and video game developers should be careful in how they utilize violence. That being said, violence can have a positive impact on a storyline if there is a good reason for it to be there, such as to make the death of an allied character more impactful; unlike games such as Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat which have violence for the sake of violence with no real purpose to it other than for pure shock value. The deciding factor as to how video games will benefit society depends on how they are utilized, the medium in itself is not foredoomed.