
2019-12-29 08:49

草药作为一种补充疗法的一种方式是它可以与正统医学一起工作。在英国,一个医学草药医生培训的一部分就是观察药物和草药之间的相互作用,并在给病人开药方时考虑到这一点。已经有许多研究关于山楂及其用法,但纸“山楂(Crataegus spp)治疗心血管疾病”(Tassell, M等,2010)看着山楂的事实显示没有药物的相互作用而提高心血管疾病的症状(即使使用与药物如地高辛)。许多研究的分析指出,山楂可以与传统药物一起安全使用,在某些情况下可以改善预后,尽管其原因仍不清楚。因此,在这个讨论的框架中,这一事实支持了草药是一种补充疗法的说法,因为它可以帮助缓解或治愈一种疾病,同时还有另一种疗法。有趣的是将注意力集中到事实地高辛实际上是一个制药药物,被称为“性质相同的”,因为它是来自洋地黄spp。(Heinrich等,2016)这种药物是通过隔离制定毛地黄植物的成分和医疗疗不再是法律允许开工厂。传统医学植根于草药的历史对许多人来说似乎是一个遥远的记忆。
One way in which herbal medicine is a complementary therapy is that it can work alongside orthodox medicine. Part of a medical herbalists training within the UK is to look at pharmaceutical interactions between drugs and herbs and take this into consideration when prescribing any herbal remedy to the patient. There have been many studies regarding hawthorn and its usage but the paper “Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease” (Tassell, M et al, 2010)  looks at the fact that hawthorn shows little to no drug interactions but improves symptoms of cardiovascular disease (even when used alongside pharmaceutical drugs such as digoxin). This analysis of many studies points to the fact that hawthorn can be used safely alongside orthodox medicine, and in some cases can improve prognosis, although the reason being still remains quite unclear. Thus, in the framework of this discussion this fact supports the statement that herbal medicine is a complementary therapy in that it can help to relieve or heal a disorder alongside another therapy. It is interesting to bring attention to the fact that Digoxin is in fact a pharmaceutical drug that is referred to as ‘nature identical’ as it is derived from Digitalis spp. (Heinrich et al, 2016) This drug has been formulated through the isolation of constituents from the foxglove plant and medical herbalists are no longer legally allowed to prescribe the plant. It appears that the history of orthodox medicine as being rooted in herbal medicine is a distant memory for many.