
2020-01-22 12:20

 Unlike SEs, BSEs do not originate from the sample. BSEs are refracted incident electrons. Some incident electrons are able to pierce just below the sample’s surface where they collide with atoms within the sample.  Atoms within the sample are much larger than the incident electrons, and consequently, the incident electrons are “pushed” or “bounced” out of the sample. The more massive an element is, that is to say, the larger the atomic number, the more the incident electrons are scattered upon impact. Visually, more massive atoms appear brighter than less massive atoms. Thus, when compared to a known sample, an unknown sample’s composition can be tentatively determined.Characteristic X-rays are formed when incident electrons remove an inner-shell electron from an atom in the sample. True to the Aufbau principle, electron(s) from the outer-most shell replace the displaced inner-shell electron(s). In doing so, the outer-most electron must release energy. It does so in the form of X-rays. The energies, and consequently wavelengths, of the X-rays are directly related to the element(s) present, and can be used to perform compositional analysis on the sample. X-rays are detected by an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS or EDX) or by a wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (WDS).Sample preparation varies depending on the sample material, desired information, and type of SEM used. Most biological samples typically have a higher concentration of water compared to non-biological samples. “Wet” samples must be dried prior to viewing, as the SEM vacuum can damage the sample during evacuation by improperly dehydrating the sample. Moreover, this leeching of water can contaminate the instrument. Drying of the sample should be done in such as way as to preserve the sample’s natural integrity. Samples must also be conductive, either inherently or by means of conductive coating.