澳洲护理作业代写 性别不平等

2020-06-08 02:32

虽然“性别不平等”一词似乎具有包容性,但它所代表的群体在本质上通常是二元的,因为它指的是性别之间的差异。也就是男人和女人之间,或者男人和女人之间。那些生来就有模糊或变异的生殖器的人被称为阴阳人,这与传统的男性和女性生殖器的分类是不相符的。一个人的性别和他们的性别并不一定是同一件事,因此,关于性别不平等的二元观点往往忽视了那些被认为是跨性别者,非二元者,或出生时被划分为阴阳人的人所面临的歧视。为了明确、整合,并基于现有文献和现有研究,本文将主要将性别平等和不平等视为与二元男性或女性顺性别人有关。简单地说,性别不平等是指不同性别的人在各种劳动、责任或期望的分工上存在差异。性别不平等在家庭内部和传统核心家庭单位的外部都存在。几乎在成人生活的各个方面都存在着性别不平等。大多数不平等的根源在于定型观念,特别是与性别有关的不平等。男女不平等源于“做男人只有一条路,做女人也只有一条路”的观念,“男人来自火星,女人来自金星”,而且两性之间几乎没有共同点。基本上从出生开始,男性分配的人就被社会化,参与并享受那些被认为是男性的爱好和工作,比如粗犷的住房和建筑。而女性被分配的人则参与和享受传统上被认为是女性角色和爱好的活动,比如“母性娃娃”和行政或秘书工作等。性别不平等开始于儿童时期,通过社会化和内化的性别规范和期望,他们遇到。海蒂·哈特曼(Heidi Hartmann)在她1981年的文章中探讨了通过家务这一媒介,人们在家庭单位中感知到的性别不平等。
澳洲护理作业代写 性别不平等
While the term ‘gender inequality’ seems inclusive the groups it represents are often inherently binary, in that it refers to disparities between sexes. That is, between men and women or males and females. Individuals who are born with ambiguous or variant genitalia are referred to as intersex, that is not fitting into the traditional categorisation of male and female genitalia.  Ones gender and their sex are not necessarily the same thing and as such the binary view of gender inequality often ignores the discrimination that is faced by those who identify under the transgender, nonbinary umbrellas or who are classed as intersex at birth. For the sake of clarity, conformity, and due to the current literature and available studies, this essay will mainly view gender equality and inequality as relating to the binary male or female cisgender person.  In simple terms gender inequality occurs when there is a disparity between the division of various labours, responsibilities or expectations between people of different genders. Gender inequalities occur both within the family and external to the traditional nuclear family unit. There are gender inequalities in virtually every aspect of adult life. The origin of most inequalities is rooted in the notion of stereotypes, that is especially true for disparities related to gender. Gender inequality stems from the belief that there is only one way to be a man and only one way to be a woman, ‘men are from Mars women are from Venus’ and that the two sexes have little in common. Essentially from birth, male assigned persons are socialised to take part in and enjoy what are considered to be masculine hobbies and jobs, such as roughhousing and construction. While female assigned persons are socialised to partake in and enjoy what are thought to be traditionally feminine roles and hobbies, such as ‘mothering dolls’ and administrative or secretarial work, etc. Gender inequalities begin in childhood through socialisation and the internalising of the gender norms and expectations to which they encounter. In her 1981 article, Heidi Hartmann explores the inequalities based of ones perceived gender within the family unit through the medium of housework.
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