留学生哲学作业代写 柏拉图

2020-03-24 02:14

柏拉图是第一个道德哲学家,而亚里士多德是第一个写正式伦理论文的哲学家(亚里士多德,1997)。柏拉图和亚里士多德是历史上最具影响力的两位哲学家。柏拉图深受其教学影响,苏格拉底是柏拉图的老师。后来,柏拉图成为亚里士多德的老师,亚里士多德虽然是他的长期学生,但却发现了柏拉图理论中的许多错误,并开始批评他的许多著作(Owlcation, 2018)。尽管他的批评,亚里士多德受到柏拉图的影响,使他们的作品相似,针对相同的方面的哲学。柏拉图和亚里士多德的理论基于四个被广泛接受的信念包括相信知识必须是真实的,什么世界通过感官体验什么是真正的,知识必须是固定不变的,通过感官世界经验不是固定不变(Owlcation, 2018)。与柏拉图一样,亚里士多德也认识到幼儿期作为人类发展的形成期的重要性。他将学校教育分为三个阶段:小学、中学和高等教育(《教育理论的根源》,2018年)。第一阶段的学生年龄在7-14岁,他们要上小学,包括体操、写作、阅读、音乐和绘画。第二阶段的学生年龄为14-21岁,他们将进入中学,继续他们的初级学习,同时学习文学、诗歌、戏剧、合唱音乐和舞蹈。过去的四年将花在军事演习、战术和战略上。高等教育从21岁开始,只要学生愿意和有能力,就会一直持续下去。高等教育只对男性开放,因为亚里士多德认为女性没有能力进行如此复杂的研究,我完全不同意每个人都应该被同等对待,在生活中给予同样的机会(《教育理论的根源》,2018年)。在亚里士多德的哲学中,他认为理想的道德发展需要很多东西,但最重要的是一个可以模仿的榜样,培养道德上适当的习惯,随着时间的推移成为道德美德(Anon, 2018)。亚里士多德将道德美德定义为:被我们的欲望或情感所感动的倾向,既不太弱,也不太强烈,而是以一种让我们按照理性所要求的方式行动,并以此为乐的方式(Curren, R, 2000)。知性美德被定义为使我们获得真理的理解、判断和推理的能力(Curren, R, 2000)。亚里士多德学会了观察和实践的价值。他还说我们不是生活在洞穴里,他还告诉柏拉图这一点,强调我们生活在现实世界里。(赫尔曼,2018)。他不相信柏拉图的理论,而是说,我们通往知识的道路是通过对我们周围的世界和组成它的事实的逻辑的、系统的发现而来的.
留学生哲学作业代写 柏拉图
Plato was the first moral philosopher however, Aristotle was the first philosopher to write formal ethical treatises (Aristotle,1997). Plato and Aristotle are two of the most influential philosophers in history. Plato was greatly influenced by his teaching Socrates was Plato’s teacher. Later on, Plato became the teacher of Aristotle who, although a long-term pupil, was able to find many faults in Plato’s theories and in fact began to criticised a lot of his work (Owlcation, 2018). Despite his criticisms, Aristotle was influenced by Plato, making their works similar by targeting the same aspects of philosophy. Both Plato and Aristotle based their theories on four widely accepted beliefs which include the belief that knowledge must be of what is real, the world experienced via the senses is what is real, knowledge must be of what is fixed and unchanging, the world experienced through the senses is not fixed and unchanging (Owlcation, 2018). Like Plato, Aristotle recognised the importance of early childhood as a formative period of human development. He divided schooling into three stages: primary, secondary, and higher education (The Roots of Educational Theory, 2018).  In the first stage the students are aged 7-14, and they would attend primary and this involves gymnastics, writing, reading, music, and drawing. In the second stage the students are aged 14-21, and they would attend secondary and would continue their primary studies while undertaking in literature, poetry, drama, choral music, and dancing. The last four years would be spent in military drill, tactics, and strategy. Higher studies would begin at age 21 and continue as long as the student was willing and able. Higher education was for males only as Aristotle believed women were not capable of such complex studies which I completely disagree everyone should be treated the same and giving the same chances in life (The Roots of Educational Theory, 2018). In Aristotle’s philosophy, he believed that many things were needed for ideal moral development, but one of the most important was a role model that one can mimic, cultivating morally appropriate habits that become moral virtues over time (Anon, 2018). Aristotle defines moral virtues as dispositions to feel and be moved by our desires or emotions neither too weakly nor too strongly, but in a way that moves us to act as reason would dictate, and to take pleasure in doing so (Curren, R, 2000). Intellectual virtues are defined as powers of understanding, judgment and reasoning that enable us to attain truth (Curren, R, 2000). Aristotle learned the value of observation and hands on experience. He also stated that we don’t live in a cave, he also told this to Plato emphasising that we live in the real world. (Herman, 2018).  Instead of believing Plato’s theory he stated that our path to knowledge comes through logical, methodical discovery of the world around us and the facts that make it up