澳洲悉尼代写essay 越南战争

2020-02-28 01:39

由于对美国来说,越南战争实际开始的日期存在严重争议,很难说我们什么时候能够开始衡量导致这场战争在“开始”之前就不可能打赢的因素。虽然,为了这篇文章,我想把越南战争的起点定在1965年,那是美国开始直接参与的一年。我的意思是,当现役地面部队被派往越南,只是为了战斗。从20世纪50年代中期到1965年,美国的介入是逐渐开始的,慢慢地,美国肯定会卷入某种形式的战争。一旦参与的缓慢爬坡开始,就很难回头,从那时起他们所能做的就是向前推进。美国卷入这场战争有许多不同的原因和因素,这些因素在战争中不断演变和变化。许多美国公众把共产主义比作一种疾病,一种除非采取某种形式的预防措施才会传播的疾病。共产主义者反对美国主张的东西,比如民主。与此同时,他们还侵犯人权,通过军事手段进行侵略,并建立了不与资本主义国家进行贸易的封闭经济。正如安德鲁•j•罗特(Andrew J. Rotter)在其关于越南战争起因的文章中所写的那样,“1949年,中国共产党上台时,华盛顿担心越南会成为下一个亚洲多米诺骨牌。”这当然是参照了多米诺理论,这是德怀特·艾森豪威尔总统提出的理论,描述了如果一个国家落入共产主义的魔掌,它的邻国。
澳洲悉尼代写essay 越南战争
Due to the heavily disputed date in which the Vietnam War actually began for the United States, it is hard to say when we are able to begin measuring the factors that contributed to the war being unwinnable before it “started” per se. Although, for the sake of this essay, I would like to set the start for the Vietnam War as 1965, which was the year when direct American involvement began. By this I mean when active ground troops were sent to Vietnam for the sole purpose of combat. American involvement started gradually throughout the mid 1950s to 1965, and slowly and surely the United States would be involved in some form of war. Once the slow climb up the hill of involvement began, it was hard to backtrack, and all they could do from then on was to push forward. The United States had become involved in the war for many different reasons and factors, and these factors evolved and changed throughout the time.  Much of the American public compared communism to that of a disease, one that would spread unless some form of prevention was implemented. Communists opposed what the United States stood for, such as democracy. Along with that, they violated human rights, pursued aggression through military, and created closed economies in which they did not trade with Capitalist nations.  As Andrew J. Rotter writes in his article about causes of the Vietnam War, “In 1949, when the Communist Party came to power in China, Washington feared that Vietnam would become the next Asian domino.”. This was of course in reference to the domino theory, a theory proposed by President Dwight Eisenhower which described how if a single nation fell to the grasps of communism, neighboring .