阿德莱德Adelaide代写Essay 餐饮业

2020-03-10 03:15

总的来说,当情况发生变化时,酒店行业和餐饮业往往会遇到困难。整体的转变可能和全球化一样大。除此之外,它们还可以像当地经济一样具体,像技术一样不可预测。此外,消费者的决策过程也存在着浮躁性。难怪酒店行业的业务经理和业主都在失眠(Braimah, 2016)。本报告的目的是了解一些重要的挑战所面临的酒店业以及餐厅在现代。酒店业在很大程度上感受到了全球化的整体影响。餐厅有各种各样的供应商和其他选项,使他们的菜单越来越有吸引力时,以低成本获得供应以及配料。此外,从其他国家进口商品或原料也有其自身的风险。风险可能是多种因素造成的,比如围绕污染的广为人知的事件。此外,还有一些不公平的劳工做法,一些熟悉媒体的消费者感到有些失望的问题,以及与生产部门使用的有毒材料有关的其他问题。然而,更便宜的采购可能更容易,尤其是在全球经济中。最重要的是,消费者变得更加挑剔,他们的消费与他们的价值观保持一致,不断变化(Du Preez, Bendixen, & Abratt, 2017)。就酒店行业而言,主要是在餐厅和酒店,财务因素或经济在决定企业和个人的消费水平方面起着重要的作用。此外,旅游密集的地区,也就是游客主要来的地方,这一因素比其他因素的效果更好。在酒店和旅游行业,全球活动的优势和劣势可能会对国际支出产生严重影响。这就是酒店业面临的最大挑战之一。此外,当住宿和旅游的整体需求下降或受到影响时,酒店行业的利润和收入都会下降。利润和价格大幅下降,试图填补空的航班和房间。除此之外,提高价格以弥补损失的利润是一种商业伎俩,这是在旺季后期进行的。
阿德莱德Adelaide代写Essay 餐饮业
 In general, the hospitality industry, as well as the restaurant sector, tends to get hard when things change. The overall shifts can be as large as globalization. In addition to this, they can also be as specific as the local economy and as unpredictable as technology. Moreover, there is also the fickleness of the consumers’ decision making procedure. No wonder the business managers and owners in the hospitality sector are losing their sleep (Braimah, 2016). The purpose of this report is to understand some of the significant challenges faced by the hospitality industry as well as restaurants in the modern days. The sector of hospitality is feeling the overall impact of globalization to a huge extent. The restaurants have a great variety of the vendors and other options to make their menus more and more appealing when obtaining supplies as well as ingredients at low costs. Additionally, importing goods or ingredients from other nations has its own risk sets. The risks can be of various factors like a well-publicized incident surrounding contamination. Moreover, there are unfair labour practices, issues which media-savvy consumers find a bit disappointing and other issues related to toxic materials utilized in the manufacturing units. However, cheaper sourcing can be easier particularly in a global economy. Most importantly, the customers have become more selective in case of spending in an alignment along with their values, which keeps on shifting (Du Preez, Bendixen, & Abratt, 2017). In the case of the hospitality industry, mainly in restaurants and hotels, the financial factor or the economy plays a major role in the determination of both business and personal spending level. Moreover, the tourism-heavy locations, which mean the places where tourists mostly come, this factor holds even better effect than others. In the hotel and travel sectors, the advantages and disadvantages of global events can have a severe impact on international spending. This is what makes one of the biggest challenges faced by hospitality restaurants and industry. Furthermore, when the overall demand for lodging and travelling goes down or get affected, both the profit as well as revenue in the hospitality industry decreases. The profit and the prices slashed to try to fill the empty flights and rooms. In addition to this, raising the rates in order to recover the lost profits is a trick in the business, which is done later in the peak seasons.