
2020-03-11 23:59

我选择可持续发展作为我的主题,因为这是一个我热爱的运动;因此,我从我的研究中得到最多,因为我发现它很有趣。在这个模块我要进一步挑战自己看这个特定主题上学期我只探索了一小部分,因此我想看看另一个方面,看看我可以重塑我们的设计方式,是否有像我以前想的更可持续的方式。随着消费者和设计师开始意识到我们对世界的影响,可持续发展正成为一个热门话题。时尚产业是世界上最大的产业之一,与其他产业相比,时尚产业的资源依赖于自然。时尚设计师们正在迎接挑战,生产不需要成本的时尚服装(西蒙·施罗特,no date)。在我的整个研究过程中,我并没有发现大量专注于高端可持续时装的设计师;因此,我将重点研究这个领域,因为我认为这是一个利基市场。把重点放在高端时尚上,因为消费者会愿意花更多的钱,因为他们知道衣服的质量会很好,因此他们“物有所值”,然后再加上消费者知道他们不会购买标签背后的残忍。根据西蒙·施罗特(Simone Schroeter)的说法(没有日期),消费者不再觉得有必要拥有大量符合潮流的服装,因为现在他们要求公司表明他们在投资什么,以及为了可持续发展,公司愿意支付多少“价格”。消费者更愿意购买一个品牌,如果他们有一个固定的道德和道德价值观,因为他们宁愿支付更多的钱,一个品牌的身份。在时尚界,你可以通过多种方式被归类为可持续型。Pienaar(2016)指出,选择当地生产的服装,使用天然纤维,注重质量而非数量,最后只在需要时购买,而不是想要时才购买,因此可以通过多种方式在时尚界被归类为可持续发展。我个人想关注可持续时尚的自然一面,因为还有很多东西需要研究,我觉得这是最有趣的。Teather(2018)指出,时尚可持续性的目的是确保制造过程的方式最小化对环境的有害影响。因此我将确保我躺模式战略因此导致更少的浪费和使用当地材料,因为这将消除不必要的包装和运输费用在整个开发我的工作,我想在我的工作包括多个可持续的方法。
阿德莱德作业代写  时尚主题
I have chosen sustainability as my topic as this is a movement I am passionate about; therefore I get the most out of my research as I find it intriguing. Throughout this module I am going to challenge myself to look further in to this specific topic as last semester I only explored a small section, as a result I want to look into a different aspect to see if I can reinvent the way we design and to see if there is more to sustainable fashion as I once thought. Sustainability is becoming a hot topic as consumers and designers have started to realise the impact which we have on the world. The fashion industry is one of the world’s largest industries which are dependent on nature for its resources more than numerous other industries, fashion designers are rising to the challenge to produce stylish garments that do not cost the word (Simone Schroeter, no date).Throughout my research I have not found a vast amount of designers who specialise in high end – sustainable fashion; therefore I will be focusing my research to target this area as I think it is a niche market. Focusing on high end fashion as consumers will be willing to pay more as they know that the garment will be good quality, therefore they ‘get what they pay for’,  when then paired with the sustainably aspect consumers know they aren’t buying into cruelty behind the label. According to Simone Schroeter (no date) consumers no longer feel the need to have a vast amount of garments which meet the trends as now they demand a company to show what they are investing in and what ‘price’ the company is willing to pay in order to be sustainable. Consumers are more willing to buy into a brand if they have a set ethical and moral values as they would rather pay more money for a brands identity. There are multiple ways in which you can be classed as sustainable in fashion. Pienaar (2016) stated that there are multiple ways in which you can be classed as sustainable in fashion by choosing clothing that has been manufactured locally, the use of natural fibres, and buying quality over quantity and finally only buying when needed rather than want therefore recycling and reusing. I personally want to focus on the natural side of sustainable fashion as there is a lot more to research and I find it the most interesting. Teather (2018) pointed out that the aim of fashion sustainability is to make certain that the manufacturing process is produced in a way which minimises any harmful environmental effects. As a result of this I will ensure that I lay my patterns out strategically therefore resulting in less waste and use materials that are local as this would eliminate unwanted packaging and delivery expense throughout the development of my work, as I want to include multiple sustainable methods in my work.
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