
2017-07-14 22:15

几乎没有证据表明教师压力在随后的几十年里有所减少。尽管教师在塑造学生一代中起着关键作用,但不足和挫折感是全纳教育的潜在障碍。这种挑战在课程和评估要求可能显得僵硬的情况下更加复杂。教学决策是另一个需要广泛研究的关键领域。以包容性的关键是通过明智的教育决策,将节省教师从不屈从学生课程负担的压力。事实上,提倡包容不倾向于集中在全纳教育作为一种产品,但作为一个过程(罗伯森,1999;亭和艾果斯科,文策尔等人,2002;2000)在很大程度上的相互尊重和合作的民主原则为基础的(雅各布森,2000;Marshall et al,2002)。包容性进程正在成为学校效能研究和发展的中心。学校社区要减少学习和通过学校的文化协同调查参与的障碍,政策和做法,并为发展设置了新的优先级(展位和艾果斯科,2002)。因此,这些障碍的识别和设计解决方法如果我们期望获得成功验收获得包容性至关重要。学校效能倡议正吸引全球关注,因为他们有潜力建立支持个人学习成功的合作学习社区。
There is little evidence to suggest that teacher stress has diminished over subsequent decades. Though teachers play a major key role in shaping up the student generation, inadequacy and the feeling of frustration are the potential barriers to inclusive education. Such challenges are compounded where curriculum and assessment demands may appear inflexible. Pedagogical decision making is another key area of research that has to be widely explored. The real key to inclusivity is through wise pedagogical decisions that will save teachers from the stress of an unbending curriculum and the students from its burden.In fact, advocates of inclusion do not tend to focus upon inclusive education as a product but as a process (Robertson, 1999; Booth & Ainscow, 2002; Winzer et al, 2000) founded very much on the democratic principles of mutual respect and collaboration (Jacobson, 2000; Marshall et al, 2002). Inclusive processes are becoming central to school effectiveness research and development. School communities must be invited to reduce the barriers to learning and participation through a collaborative investigation of the school's cultures, policies and practices and to set new priorities for development (Booth & Ainscow, 2002). Hence the identification of these barriers and devising methods to overcome them gain prime importance if we expect inclusivity to gain success and acceptance. Initiatives for school effectiveness are attracting global attention for their potential to build collaborative learning communities that support individual learner success.