
2018-09-30 09:36

另一种类型的保险是A-ALL Risks,这并不意味着它会涵盖所有的损失,而只是偶然情况下的损失。损失的原因是“偶然的”的要求排除了:固有的缺陷,故意造成损失的普通磨损和自然发生的损失。固有缺陷是指因被保险货物的固有质量而引起的损失。在某些货物中,如水货、水果和蔬菜、葡萄酒、可可和咖啡豆、钢铁产品、木制品、鱼粉、皮具、皮革制品、皮革、面粉、大豆、大蕉、土豆、开心果、核桃、橡胶、地毯、地毯衬垫等,很有可能应用固有缺陷。由于内在缺陷是责任的例外,保险公司承担举证责任,以支持货物索赔的下降。保险公司不同意承保货物因自然趋势恶化或遭受损害而必然发生或不可避免的损害,而不会因意外事故而引起损害的保险。“固有缺陷”排除也适用于由于货物运输方式而被视为不可避免的损失。易受高温和低温影响的货物就是一个很好的例子。新鲜的鸡蛋、巧克力、可可蛋糕、葡萄酒、啤酒,如果在一年中的某些时间里,天气预计会变热或变冷,而且没有使用加热和隔热的容器,那么在常规的远洋集装箱中装运的鸡蛋、巧克力、可可蛋糕、葡萄酒和啤酒必然会遭受损失。
Another type of insurance policy is A-ALL Risks which doesn’t mean that it will cover all the losses but just the ones by fortuitous condition. The requirement that the cause of loss be “fortuitous” excludes: inherent defects, intentionally caused losses ordinary wear and tear and naturally occurring losses.The term Inherent Vice refers to a loss arising from “qualities inherent” in the goods insured. The application of Inherent Vice is a strong possibility in certain cargoes, for example hydroscopic cargo, fruits and vegetables, wine, cocoa and coffee beans, iron and steel products, wood products, fish meal, leather goods, hides and skins, flour, soybeans, plantains, potatoes, pistachio nuts, walnuts, rubber, rugs, carpet backing, others. As Inherent Vice is an exception to liability, the burden of proof is on the insurer to support the declination of any cargo claim.An insurer does not agree to insure against damage that is bound to happen or inevitable as a result of the natural tendency of the cargo to deteriorate or sustain damage without an external fortuitous accident triggering the damage.The “Inherent Vice” exclusion can also apply to a loss which, due to manner in which the cargo is shipped, is regarded as inevitable. A good example is given by cargoes that are susceptible to high and low temperatures. Fresh eggs, chocolate, cocoa cake, wine, beer that are shipped in regular ocean containers during certain times of year when weather conditions are expected to be hot or cold, and without the use of a heated and insulated container ,are bound to sustain losses.