
2018-10-12 12:49

People do not practice any activity without active or passive purpose. They don’t waste time and energy purposelessly specially, a regular exercise of getting knowledge for more than a quarter of their life,Struggling in schools and colleges- investing money,time andenergy. There is Reason behind;true,sometimes the knowledge has a direct and well known purpose whereas sometimes the academic knowledge has some passive purpose but all these knowledge are meant to shape the life of the gainer and struggler for knowledge. The quest of finding the fact about malaria, a deadly disease was, to understand the reason the cause, and its cure, it took long time before the facts got established and a possible treatment was discovered leading to the invention of the medicine.Was this without a purpose? Was there an emotion attached behind, to save the whole human kind? I opine, the pain and sufferings of the patients may have fuelled the research to some extent as well. The natural science and its knowledge are all full with reason and purpose behind all scientific discoveries and inventions and endeavor. True, while trying to find out something purposefully people get extra, even un-associated knowledge of some other type or class which may or may not have an immediate use and purpose in their eyes, for the time being.But the graphic detail of it, remains saved in their mind and is utilized somewhere else in due course of time. or even if unutilized the knower is well aware of the latent information, to keep this piece of work in his brain, so as to utilize it some other time thus, knowledge has two forms namely an active and passive knowledge. It may also be noted that sometimes reason gets defeated by emotions attached to the purpose, a child’s repeated demand of cold drinks while suffering with cold and flu is accepted by father, at this point the knowledge question is, why this acceptance? Possibly, not because of reason but emotion!