莫纳什 essay 代写:建立技术革命

2017-07-15 21:17

更重要的是,国外大学的建立和技术革命,帮助发展中国家和欠发达国家的人们有效地学习和掌握了英语。在大多数非英语国家,学习英语和掌握英语的趋势是不可避免的。例如,从我的观点来看,作为马来西亚学生,我可以看到马来西亚得益于全球化和殖民化。马来西亚作为一个发展中国家,曾经被称为不发达国家。然而,被殖民化的几个国家后,在马来西亚的教育系统已经发生了很多变化。像在任何地方一样,有些更改是有效执行的,而有些则不是。马来西亚获得的积极影响最明显的例子是接触和机会学习英语作为我们的第二语言。2003,为了迎接全球化的挑战,政府在引进科学和数学的英语方面迈出了辉煌的一步。不幸的是,尽管该计划已经成功实施,马来西亚政府决定恢复为教学用马来语又2012年。这是因为计划已经由马来语言学家和政治活动家批评(阿布杜尔·拉扎克,2011,p. 63)。除了英语课程中的科学和数学教学之外,我认为仅在课程中教授英语作为第二语言的决定对马来西亚教育的未来有很大的影响。英语是世界主要语言,通过获取和掌握熟练的将是一个伟大的点,能提高一个人的受教育程度较高的人。这将有助于他们在求职时表现出良好的职业形象。
莫纳什 essay 代写:建立技术革命
On top of that, the establishment of foreign universities and the revolution of technology have helped the people in developing and underdeveloped countries to learn and master the English language effectively. The trend of learning and mastering of English has been an inevitable thing in most of the non-English-spoken countries. For example, from my point of view as a Malaysian student, I could see that Malaysian has been benefited a lot as the result of globalisation as well as colonisation. Malaysia, as a developing country, was once being labelled as underdeveloped. However, after being colonialized by a few countries, the education system in Malaysia has undergone a lot of changes. Like in any places, some changes are effectively implemented while some are not. The most obvious example of positive effect that Malaysian has gained is the exposure and opportunity to learn English as our second language. In 2003, in order to meet the challenges of globalisation, the government has taken a brilliant step in introducing the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English. Unfortunately, even though the programme has been implemented successfully, the Malaysian government decided to revert to the teaching by using Bahasa Melayu again by the year 2012. This is because the programme had been criticized by the Malay linguist and political activist (Abdul Razak, 2011, p. 63). Besides the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English programme, I think the decision of teaching English as a second language in the curriculum alone has made a big impact on Malaysia education's future. As English is a dominant language in the world, by acquiring and mastering it proficiently would be a great point that could elevate a person's educational level higher from others. This will help them to portray a good professional image when applying for a job.