
2018-03-09 17:52

The second activity is about what is the proper value, attribute and belief is needed as a university student. Attribute is internal characteristic of people individually. Belief is the study that 'what we see, hear, experience and feelings' when we are childhood. Value is the perception that we deem it is important and can include framework such as equity, education and effort. In the same way, we have a group discussion in five members. Mr. Vedha gave us a piece of mahjong paper and required us that what is the value, attribute and belief as a first graduate university student who is in the workforce.One of my group mates decided to use a funny way to present our ideas. We were using the marker pen which provided and then we start to draw the 'variable'. For example, we drew two cars knocked with each other and by the way, a finger of 'one' beside of knocked cars. The answer of this crazy combination of pictures mean 'chuang yi' (creativity) in Chinese word. When we were presenting, we can sensed that our efforts had successful attract the audiences.