南十字星 scu 代写assignment:高迪

2017-03-17 01:24

高迪在1869和1870年代他获得了额外的佣金给在巴塞罗那的加泰罗尼亚资本新时尚的公寓建筑设计1880s工作收到了他的第一委员会。显然,正是高迪天生的创造精神,才能够摆脱过去的复兴运动的限制,这对高迪的建立是至关重要的。然而,这显然是我们必须注意的关键部分由巴塞罗那市本身在惊人的快速毕业的高迪学生高迪大师在第十九世纪的最后几十年,当建筑师被委托设计城市中一些最令人垂涎的地标。因此,我们应该理解巴塞罗那,因为它充满了自主民族主义和经济繁荣的感觉,作为高迪能够探索他最深刻的艺术视野的工具。因此,我们还必须了解巴塞罗那蓬勃发展的文化、经济和政治神经中心,在高迪从天才建筑师到天才天才的提升中扮演着不可或缺的角色,Raymond Carr强调了这一点.

南十字星 scu 代写assignment:高迪

Gaudi received his first commission for work in 1869 and throughout the 1870s and 1880s he received additional commissions to design newly fashionable apartment buildings in the Catalan capital of Barcelona. Clearly, it was Gaudi’s innate creative mind that was able to free itself from the constraints of the revival movements of the recent past that was absolutely critical to the establishment of the Gaudi the architect as a celebrated icon of Catalan culture. Yet, while this was clearly the case we should also note the critical part played by the city of Barcelona itself in the astonishingly rapid graduation of Gaudi the pupil to Gaudi the master during the final decades of the nineteenth century when the architect was commissioned to design some of the most coveted landmarks in the city. We should consequently understand Barcelona, with its vibrant sense of autonomous nationalism and its economic prosperity, as acting as the vehicle through which Gaudi was able to explore his most profound artistic visions. Thus, we must also understand the burgeoning cultural, economic and political nerve centre of Barcelona as playing an integral part in the elevation of Gaudi from gifted architect to creative genius, a point which Raymond Carr underscores