
2018-04-29 22:05

Research Approach refers to the approach or the methodology that has been adopted to conduct the research. It basically involves the selection of research questions, the conceptual framework that has to be adopted, the selection of appropriate research method such as primary research, secondary research etc ( Research can be distinguished as belonging to one of two models a deductive (or "top down") approach or an inductive (or "bottom up") approach. Deductive approach is one in which a theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) are formulated, and then a research strategy is planned to test these hypothesis. Whereas, in Inductive approach, data is gathered and the theory is developed as a outcome of the data analysis. My research will be carried out through the inductive approach in which I will collect data from different resources and develops theory as a result of data analysis. An inductive approach is radically different from the deductive type. I have chosen the inductive approach because it does not have the same strength of relationship between reasons and conclusion. To induce something is to draw a conclusion from one or more particular facts or pieces of evidence. The conclusion explains the facts support the conclusion