
2018-05-22 01:42

Effective assessments inform planning and enable more focused and appropriate teaching. Assessment will help learners to develop their own skills, acknowledge achievement and increase motivation; it provides objective information to help me responding to learners needs, giving them constructive feedback and assess that the session aims are being met effectively. I used different types of assessment methods; Q&A, written work, peer assessment, observation and each has strengths and limitations (See handouts). I will keep records of these as evidence of learning, funding and audit purposes. Observation and peer assessment are methods which promote learner involvement and consolidate learning assessing several aspects of their performance. Facilitating peer assess on my session, the group demonstrated inclusivity, reliability and authenticity. Inclusiveness is the key driver for learners especially on peer assess as they are involved in the decision making; demonstrate approach in terms of validity of the product of work and give them more autonomy over their learning.