
2018-12-09 16:13

柏拉图的洞穴神话是一个奇妙的寓言,为追求知识2400年。柏拉图在《理想国》中发表了这个洞穴神话;洞穴的寓言可以说是这部作品最著名的部分。许多人可能会感到惊讶的是,当今许多当代故事中都有与洞穴神话相似的情节。其中之一是《黑客帝国》(the Matrix)中的Neo (Wachowski Bros 1999)。当尼奥醒来发现自己被困在一根管子里,他挣扎着自由,从监狱中释放出来,他被要求掌握他的生活和世界的真相,谁能忘记这一形象。他发现,到目前为止,他所有的生活都是一种精心设计的假象,是为了掩盖他一生都被囚禁的事实。这篇论文将表明,这两个故事反映了苏格拉底对知识的探索和对善的更深层次的理解。洞穴的神话是一个寓言,我们跟随我们的囚徒追寻柏拉图的老师苏格拉底所说的“公正的生活”(柏拉图:理想国)。苏格拉底主要关心的是我们的灵魂处于可能的最佳状态(柏拉图:斐多篇)。实现这一点的方法是通过检查和质疑一个人在世界上的地位。《洞穴神话》以文学的形式叙述了苏格拉底的方法,同时也为苏格拉底无情的质疑提供了逻辑和方法的范例。这样,我们就对苏格拉底的方法论有了一个认识,进而对苏格拉底“关心灵魂”的概念有了一个认识(柏拉图:斐多)。苏格拉底对灵魂的关怀包括这四个要素:对意义的信仰,对无知的承认,对现实的质疑,对答案的希望,或者换句话说,对善的知识的信任(柏拉图:斐多)。在灵魂关怀这个主题上,《黑客帝国》(Wachowski Bros 1999)与柏拉图的寓言有着深刻的可比性。
Plato’s cave myth has been a wonderful allegory for the quest for knowledge for 2,400 years. Plato published this cave myth in The Republic; the allegory of the cave is arguably the most famous section of this work. What may come as a surprise to many is that there are parallels to the cave myth in many of today’s contemporary stories. One of which, is the tale of Neo in The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999). Who can forget the image when Neo wakes to find himself bound in a tube, he struggles free, released from his prison, he is made to grasp the truth of his life and the world. He finds that all of his life up to that point has been an elaborate illusion created for him to hide him from the fact that he been held prisoner his entire life. This paper will show that both of these stories reflect a Socratic search for knowledge and a deeper understanding of the good.The myth of the cave is an allegory in which we follow our prisoner on his quest for what Socrates, Plato’s teacher, referred to as “the just life” (Plato: The Republic). Socrates primary concern was that our souls be in the best condition possible (Plato: Phaedo). The way in which this is accomplished is through examination and questioning one’s place within the world. The cave myth gives a literary account of the Socratic Method, as well an example as to the logic and approach of Socrates relentless questioning. In this way, we have a view into Socrates methodology, and furthermore, into Socrates’ notion for “care of the soul” (Plato: Phaedo). Socrates’ care of the soul is comprised of these four elements: beliefs in meaning, admission of ignorance, questioning of reality, and hope in an answer, or to put it another way, trust in the knowledge of the good (Plato: Phaedo). On this subject of care of the soul, there is a deep comparability between The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999)and Plato’s allegory .