
2017-09-12 01:58

Systematic reviews are often viewed in a skeptical way, especially in the field of educational research. For example, Andrews (2005) questions the idea of reviewing research, he suggests that not all research is worth reviewing and therefore a systematic review can place importance on less significant research. In addition, Bryman (2012) states that there are suggestions of applicability of a systematic review to certain types of literature. This is due to early systematic reviews being concerned with the exploration of certain independent variables and their effects. However, Bryman (2012) also states that there has been a shift in the use of systematic reviews and that they are now considered useful tools in a range of research areas. In addition, Mulrow (1994) states that professionals, researchers and policy makers need systematic reviews to be able to efficiently integrate existing information and provide data for rational decision making. Mulrow (1994) also states that the explicit methodology used in a systematic review limits bias and, hopefully, will improve the reliability and accuracy of the conclusions drawn. Bryman (2012) states that due to the transparency of the methodology adopted and outlined in the research, it provides a degree of replicability to the study and therefore increasing the validity and reducing the bias of the study.Due to the nature of this research, ethical issues are kept to a minimum. No human participants will be used in this research and participants from the articles analysed are already anonymised and informed consent was obtained. Additionally, there is no need to gain gatekeepers permission for the use of the articles in the study as they are available on the internet. The articles are accessed via institutional log-on but can be purchased by the public. To reduce ethical issues further I will take care to be professional in my writing/reporting for example by criticising the literature politely and in a constructive manner.