
2017-08-10 14:43

研究者希望调查学生的数学表现,尤其是男女代数表达的简化。关于学生的能力、表现、态度、成就感等方面的研究,已有很多研究。在这之间的性别,有很多不同的事物,如认知、人格和心理的思考。在这项研究中,研究者调查了学生在代数表达式简化测试中的表现。据mondoh和Changeiywo(2000)指出,不同学习风格的女孩和男孩,这些认知与考试成绩之间的可能影响,特别是数学。据费洛斯,1999;张和曼侬,2000;约翰逊,2000;leahe与郭,2001;Erickan et. al。2005,表明男孩和女孩在开始熟悉数学时成绩没有显著差异。这项研究得到了李和洛克希德公司的研究的支持,(1990)发现尼日利亚男孩和女孩的数学分数在其他变量之间没有显著的性别差异。从加拉赫和考夫曼的研究,(2005)和Cleary(1992)发现,女性普遍得分较低的比男性的数学标准化考试。这是因为男性通常把时间花在做代数练习上,而自由时间的二次方程式与女生相比。
The researcher wants to investigate the students' performance in mathematics especially in simplification of algebraic expression among male and female. There are a lot of researches that measure about students' ability, performance, attitudes dan achievement among gender. In between this gender, there are many things different, such as the cognitive thinking, personality and psycological thinking. In this research, the researcher investigate between students performance in test of algebraic expression simplification. According to Mondoh and Changeiywo, (2000) stated that the different learning styles between girls and boys and the likely effect of these on cognitive and examination achievement, particularly in mathematics.According to Fierros, 1999; Zhang & Manon, 2000; Johnson, 2000; Leahe & Guo, 2001; Erickan et. al. 2005, showed that no significant difference in achievement between boys and girls as they start getting acquainted with mathematics. The researches were supported with the study by Lee and Lockheed, (1990) found that no significant gender gap between mathematics score of Nigerian boys and girls once other variables were taken into account. From the previous studies by Gallagher and Kaufman, (2005) and Cleary, (1992) found that females generally scored lower than males on standardized test of mathematics. It is because male usually spend their time with doing the exercises about algebra, and quadratic equation in their free time compared to the female students.