
2017-03-05 14:27

一个直接的概念优势,考虑人格障碍的一些方面是,它提供了一些经验证据中提出的问题的答案。commorbidity例如可以看到由于一些人格因素高水平的共享。许多人格障碍在神经质一般高的水平,它们之间的差异可以在其他人格维度看。一个使用FFM的其他主要优点是调整出现人格障碍的方式,在他们成为部分的频谱上的正常人格被视。这样的人格障碍与“正常”的个性,变得更加人性化。 而有限元方法来描述人格障碍提供了一个有用的替代,一些研究人员已经有效的批评。克拉克(1993)已经表明,FFM的方法只提供了混合的结果,声称只有部分的尺寸有关。为了解决这些问题,建立了一系列不同的尺寸从地面。这包含负气质三个顶级规模,积极的气质和抑制。Morey,华纳,乳木果,Gunderson,Sanislow,格里洛,skodol & McGlashan(2003)后,测试这些想法通过应用基于这些维度的人格测试,已经确诊的五个主要诊断的患者。结果表明:该模型,如FFM的做法在鉴别人格障碍的一些使用。


An immediate conceptual advantage of considering personality disorders on a number of dimensions is that it provides answers to a number of the questions raised in the empirical evidence. Commorbidity for example can be seen as a result of the sharing of high levels on some of the personality factors. Many of the personality disorders have in common high levels of neuroticism, the differentiation between them can be seen in the other personality dimensions. One of the other main advantages of using the FFM is in realigning the way personality disorders are seen, in that they then become part of the spectrum on which normal personality is seen. In this way personality disorders are connected with 'normal' personalities and become more humanised.
While the FFM approach has provided a useful alternative to describing personality disorders, some researchers have valid criticisms. Clark (1993a) has suggested that the FFM approach has only provided mixed results, claiming that only some of the dimensions are related. In order to address some of these concerns, a different series of dimensions was built from the ground up. This contains three top level dimensions of negative temperament, positive temperament and disinhibition. Morey, Warner, Shea, Gunderson, Sanislow, Grilo, Skodol & McGlashan (2003) later tested these ideas by applying a personality test based on these dimensions to patients who had already been diagnosed with one of five primary diagnoses. The results showed that this model, like the FFM approach had some use in discriminating the personality disorders.