澳洲护理作业代写 孕产妇心理健康

2020-02-03 23:59

正是出于这些担忧,孕产妇心理健康联盟在2014年发起了“人人都是生意”的宣传活动。自发起这项运动以来,MMHA定期制作地图,强调英国各地提供的围产期精神卫生保健水平。英国和北爱尔兰由235个临床试运行小组(CCGs)组成,这些小组被认为是“新NHS卫生系统的基石”(NHS, 2012),负责规划和试运行当地的卫生保健服务。尽管CCGs的引入旨在更好地解决特定的地方医疗需求,但NHS资金的这种分配方式已经招致了批评,并经常被指责为英国卫生不平等的扩大(Pearce, 2018)。根据Williams et al(2007),英国可以从其他欧洲国家学到一两件事,因为研究表明,英国不是最富裕的国家,而是最平等的社会,拥有最好的公共卫生统计数据。尽管英国的国家医疗系统有很多优点,但现在存在的“邮政编码彩票”进一步分化了社会,增加了贫富差距。正如Everyone 's Business Campaign所强调的,该活动的支柱是问责制、社区和培训,并将人们的注意力吸引到对政府政策的某些批评上。
澳洲护理作业代写 孕产妇心理健康
It is because of these concerns that The Maternal Mental Health Alliance launched the awareness campaign “Everyone’s Business” in 2014. Since starting the campaign, MMHA has regularly produced maps highlighting the level of perinatal mental health care provided across the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland consists of 235 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), that were recognised as “the cornerstones of the new NHS health system” (NHS, 2012), and are responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services for their local area. Despite the introduction of CCGs aiming to better address specific localised care needs, the division of the NHS funding in this way has garnered criticism, and is often blamed for widening health inequalities across the United Kingdom (Pearce, 2018.) According to Williams et al (2007 WHERE IS THIS FROM), the UK could learn a thing or two from other European countries, for studies have shown it is not the richest but the most egalitarian societies which boast the best public health statistics.Despite the many merits of the National Health System in the United Kingdom, the “postcode lottery” that now exists further polarizes society, increasing the gap between rich and poor. As the Everyone’s Business Campaign highlights,The pillars of the campaign are accountability, community and training, and draw attention to certain critiques of the government’s policies.