
2017-04-25 00:31

From the literature reviewed it appears that there are a number of reasons for the use of physical restraint. The most important justifications correlated to service user orientated reasons such as maintaining the safety of the individual with challenging behaviour, control of that behaviour and to provide physical support. However, from the evidence presented other reasons for the use of physical restraint on those displaying challenging behaviour have come to light. These debatably, unjustifiable reasons include the enabling of completion of work schedules, maintaining a peaceful social environment and to aid treatment. The literature that was reviewed concerning the ethical implications on the use of physical restraint suggested that physical restraint should only be used when it is the only remaining option, and only when the possible benefits are greater than the potential harm. The evidence considered the use of psychological behavioural management skills as an alternative to physical restraint use. However, from the evidence obtainable it seems that various obstacles exist for the successful application of behavioural management strategies. Among the reasons for lack of use of psychological behavioural approaches are inadequate staff knowledge and limited resources. The literature reviewed pointed to the need for staff training on other methods of managing challenging behaviour and a more supportive working environment that will help to combat some of the stress that is a feature of the role of intellectual disability nursing.