
2019-01-25 02:50

几乎是在一瞬间,罪行开始让麦克白和他的妻子欣喜若狂,甚至在谋杀发生之前,麦克白就看到了一把匕首。这对夫妻没有意识到最初的悔恨,因为他们仍然专注于刚刚所做的事情。也许,也没有人认识到,因为他们以前从来没有感到过这样的羞愧。国王邓肯被杀后,这对夫妇立即注意到猫头鹰的叫声,但实际上什么也听不到。这是他们无意识的内疚引起的第一个奇怪的幻觉。后来,麦克白在宴会上看到班柯的鬼魂坐在他的椅子上。他相信有人在开他的玩笑,但是他的客人认为他疯了。随着剧情的发展,其他的幻象也出现了,麦克白似乎每次都失去了理智。与此同时,麦克白夫人正在处理她自己的罪恶感,这是她只有在梦游时才感到的。当她睡着的时候,她相信她是在自言自语,然后是在和她的丈夫说话,但是一位医生和一位女士和她在一起。她说:“滚出去,该死的污点!”,我说!一,二,那为什么不呢?地狱是模糊的。呸,我的上帝,呸!士兵和恐惧?谁也不能要求权力来解释,我们还怕什么呢?然而,谁会想到这个老人身上有这么多的血呢?(Orgel and Braunmuller, 2002, p. 1646)。很明显,尽管麦克白和麦克白夫人都是这样出现的,但他们知道对与错的区别。麦克白夫人几乎是说,只要她丈夫当上国王,她就不在乎要做什么。他们也许表面上不表示对阴谋感到懊悔,但他们的良心肯定在告诉他们所做的是错误的。就好像他们让小蟋蟀吉米尼(Jiminy Cricket)跟在后面,说“你真不应该那样做。”
Almost instantaneously, guilt begins to enrapture Macbeth and his wife, maybe even before the murder, with Macbeth vision of a dagger. This initial hint of remorse is not recognized by the pair, for they are still focused on what they have just done. Perhaps, it is also not recognized because they have not felt shame like this before. Immediately after the killing of King Duncan, the couple begins to notice the sounds of an owl, but there is really nothing to be heard. This is the first of their strange hallucinations brought on by unconscious guilt. Later on, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his chair at dinner after he [Macbeth] is named King. He believes that someone is playing a joke on him, but his dinner guests believe he has gone mad. Other visions present themselves as the play progresses, and Macbeth seems to lose his grip on sanity each time one occurs. Meanwhile, Lady Macbeth is dealing with her own guilt, which she is feeling only during sleep while sleepwalking. As she sleeps, she believes she is talking to herself and then to her husband, but a doctor and gentlewoman are with her. She says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One- / two-why then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my/ lord, fie! A soldier and afeard? What need we fear who/ knows it, when none can call out power to account? Yet/ who would have thought the old man to have had so/ much blood in him? (Orgel and Braunmuller, 2002, p. 1646). Clearly, despite the way both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth appear, they know the difference between right and wrong. Lady Macbeth all but says that she doesn’t care what has to be done as long as her husband becomes king. They may not outwardly show that they feel remorse over the conspiracy, but their conscience is certainly telling them what they did was wrong. It’s as if they had Jiminy Cricket tagging along with them saying “you really shouldn’t have done that.”