
2018-05-07 20:32

然而,另一方面,学校排行榜的公布被相当数量的学者视为一个显著的劣势。正如哈维·戈德曼(Harvey Goldmann)和乔治·莱克(George Leckie)(2009)所指出的那样,这些表格并没有提供明确的陈述,因此,对于选择一所学校来说,没有什么可以作为参考。此外,他们不告诉父母他们需要知道什么(Leckie和Goldstein, 2009以及Wilson和Piebalga, 2008)。考虑到整个表格都很难理解,家长们应该试着去检查所有的方面,而不仅仅是对表格内容的快照来获得整个画面。在这个帐户上,对性能表的谨慎使用可以看作是至关重要的(Hallgarten, 2001)。此外,作为学校排行榜上最严重的薄弱环节,学者们认识到,他们没有考虑到学生之前的成绩(Taylor和Nguyen, 2006)。最后,但并非最不重要的是,使用当前的结果来预测学校未来的增值表现(Goldstein和Spiegelhauer, 1996)也存在很大的不确定性。当涉及到学校考试的结果时(Gorard, 2006),排行榜在很大程度上被认为是有问题的。另一点是,学校倾向于选择以最好的方式呈现自己的绩效指标(Goldstein和Spiegelhauer, 1996)。此外,排行榜不使用学生的个人成绩来显示学校的进步。因此,误用的表可能会导致误解(Hallgarten, 2001)。考虑到这些表格有某种负面的形象,并不是所有的父母都使用它们。这不仅仅是选择最好的表演学校,最重要的是要消除那些表现明显差的学校。从那时起,所有的指标都是为了改变机构的优先级,当学校试图改变这些偏好或放弃可衡量的目标时,就会出现担忧。
On the other hand, however, the publication of school league tables is seen by a considerable number of academics as a significant disadvantage. As Harvey Goldmann and George Leckie (2009) argue, the tables do not provide clear statements and, therefore, have little to offer as guides for choosing a school. Moreover, they do not tell parents what they need to know (Leckie and Goldstein, 2009 as well as Wilson and Piebalga, 2008). Given that the tables in its entirety are very difficult to understand, parents should, nevertheless, try to examine all aspects and not only snapshots of the tables' contents to gain the whole picture. On this account, a use with caution of the performance tables can be seen as crucial (Hallgarten, 2001). Furthermore, as the most serious weakness of the schools league tables academics recognise the fact that they don't take into account prior attainment of pupils (Taylor and Nguyen, 2006). Last, but not least, there is also a substantial uncertainty in using current results to predict the future value-added performance of schools (Goldstein and Spiegelhauer, 1996). The league tables are largely perceived as problematic, when it comes to the school examination outcomes (Gorard, 2006). Another point is that schools trend to choose the performance indicators that present themselves in the best possible way (Goldstein and Spiegelhauer, 1996). Moreover, the league tables do not use the pupils' individual scores to show how schools have improved. Thus, misused tables could later cause misunderstandings (Hallgarten, 2001). Given the fact that these tables have somehow a negative image, not all parents use them. It is not only about selecting the best performing school but above all to eliminate those that perform notably poor. Since, the whole idea of indicators is to change institutions' priorities, a concern appears when schools try to change those preferences or leave less measurable goals out