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澳洲维多利亚assignment代写 男人看待女人的方式
2020-04-13 04:32

澳洲维多利亚assignment代写 男人看待女人的方式
Every single woman in the play was treated with unimportance because, as mentioned above, this was the way men in the 1940s viewed women. The time period that Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman was an era where women were mistreated and treated as objects.Linda is the female who is being objectified the most by her husband Willy. We see in the play, day after day, Willy constantly interrupted Linda, cut her off, ignored her, and treated her with disrespect. “Linda: Maybe things are beginning to… Willy: (wildly enthused, to Linda) Stop interrupting! ” (Act 1, page 46) The most objectifying action Willy displayed was his disloyalty towards Linda, and yet, she still cherished and respected him even during his lowest moments. “Linda: No, you can’t just come to see me, because I love him. He’s the dearest man in the world to me, and I won’t have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue.” (Act 1, page 55) In the 1940s, women standing up for themselves to their husbands was unheard of. Linda took so much emotional abuse from her husband that it was no longer considered wrong, but normal. Willy never saw the intelligent side of Linda. Even though she was always so loving, he is always the one who takes control over their sons Biff and Happy, she has no control in shaping who they become, as he wants the boys’ future to be the way he had planned it to be. Willy treated his wife as the typical housewife that he would advertise.In addition to that, Happy Loman portrayed many aspects of the objectification of women through his actions and statements regarding women themselves. Happy doesn’t care about morals when it comes to women. He only likes the idea of being with them. He lies to women to get their attention, most likely for the intention of sleeping with them. There were situations in the play that suggest this attitude as he would hit on women that already have partners. The play insists that Happy goes for girls just for their looks to build his self-esteem. He says this by complimenting them, for example, when he states “Would you object to a compliment from a stranger? You ought to be on a magazine cover” (Act 2 Page 101). Happy tells women things they would like to hear. For example, it is stated when Happy says “Biff is a quarterback with the New York Giants” (Act Two Page 102). This demonstrates that the play is showing how easily fooled women can be. From the way the play expressed the women, it was as though they were prostitutes. This also makes it seem like women are easily seduced and easy to be controlled by men. Just like with the 3 executives’ fiancés, the play makes it seem like women are easily manipulated by men and drop their morals because they are blinded by their wants. The girls whom Happy associate with get drawn to the way Happy talks to them and his appearance. Happy takes advantage of their naive look on the world. He shows his sexual objectification of women when he states “Look at that mouth. Oh. God. And the binoculars.” (Act 2 Page 100). Even Biff has a tainted view on women from seeing his dad’s mistress and has no respect for them, with the exception of his mom.
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