南澳大利亚作业代写 竞选活动

2020-01-25 19:18

作为竞选活动的一部分而采用的单向传播模式可能会指出竞选活动的编码和解码意义为何不同。有证据表明,自上而下的沟通方式未能结合影响观众对竞选信息接受的几个语境因素。与此相对应,大量关于健康传播运动的接受研究也发现,单向传播模式未能充分理论化受众如何解释、阅读或解码信息(Johnson等,2009)。此外,Dutta-Bergman(2009)认为语境在受众接受中的作用在主流的沟通方式中是缺失的。此外,“只提供基本资料”的方法可以解释参与者对行为改变的部分承诺,因为宣传活动与他们的沟通需要或期望没有联系。有鉴于此,未来的竞选设计必须考虑采用线性传播方法的局限性和后果,以及如果忽略社会背景,有限曝光和信息处理的潜力。这与Reams & Ray(1993)的一项关于家庭参与率的研究相一致,该研究发现,只提供一般信息的方法在推动回收承诺方面并不有效,报告称居民更喜欢直接和个人接触。
南澳大利亚作业代写 竞选活动
The one-way communication model adopted as part of the campaign may point to why the encoded and decoded campaign meanings differed. There is evidence that the top-down communication approach failed to incorporate several contextual factors that shaped audience reception of the campaign messages. Correspondingly, numerous reception studies of health communication campaigns also identified that the one-way communication model fails to adequately theorise how audiences may interpret, read or decode messages (Johnson, et al., 2009). In addition, Dutta-Bergman, (2009) argues that the role of context in audience reception is absent from a dominant communication approach. Furthermore, the basic information only approach may explain participants partial commitment to behavioural change as the campaign did not connect with their communication needs or expectations. In light of this, future campaign designs must consider the limitations and consequences of adopting a linear communication approach and the potential for limited exposure and message processing if social contexts are ignored (Dutta-Bergman (2004), Hadi (2001) in Dutta-Bergman, 2009, p. 112).This is consistent with a study of household participation rates conducted by Reams & Ray (1993) who found that a general information only approach was not effective in driving recycling commitment, reporting that residents favoured more direct and personal contact.